Stu's spare cb arieal, brians wd40, Geoffs gaffer tape! We should write to blue Peter, cos I'm sure we could make an oily cb aerial held up by gaffer tape and get a blue Peter badge. See you all in the morning

In low gear, with ya hand brake on :)
Looks like i have to give it a miss. Just went to move the truck so relatives can park ourside my house and it wont start. I have just about run the battery out trying in my best clothes. Will get up early and have a look under the bonnet but not looking good. :(
Well thats typical land rover that is. I usually just jump in turn the key and it starts. Sometimes the first turn sometimes after a few turns but i always forget to let the glow plug light go out not being used to old diesels.

So tonight as its a bit late and cold i remembered and waited the 10 seconds for the light to go out and the bloody thing would not start. Nearly drained the battery.

Deciided to put battery on charge tonight so can have a full battery in the morning but thought i would try once before i do. Key in, no waiting just turned it and the bloody thing started.

So much for doing things properly.

See you all tomorrow.
Lol mines playing up too. Plus i've gotta get up an hour eariler to finish painting, weld up the PAS mount and find an earth for the winch!
Well thats typical land rover that is. I usually just jump in turn the key and it starts. Sometimes the first turn sometimes after a few turns but i always forget to let the glow plug light go out not being used to old diesels.

LOL, we must alll do it, I am the same , I got a Volvo 2010 V50 I just jump in that and away I the landy catches me out every time
LOL, we must alll do it, I am the same , I got a Volvo 2010 V50 I just jump in that and away I the landy catches me out every time

Are you saying you have to wait for the glow plug light to go out before it will start? Mine is the opposite and wont start after waiting. Very odd.
another excellent day. well apart from brian and the broken link arm. hope you get it sorted soon.
sorry did'nt manage to say goodbye, turned my rig off as me battery warning light came on and did,nt want to end up with a flat battery before i got home.
No problem there, my mate is building his off road spec defender about 2 miles from the site. We just picked up one of his spares and some tools and had it fixed in no time. Was on my way home by 5pm.

You've got to love how easy they are to fix.
No problem there, my mate is building his off road spec defender about 2 miles from the site. We just picked up one of his spares and some tools and had it fixed in no time. Was on my way home by 5pm.

You've got to love how easy they are to fix.

Glad you got it sorted quickly, at least it did not cause a big problem.

Great day had today, a few laughs, and a couple of

Hope to see you all soon.

I got a bit carried away with driving so did not get many pics, my son took most of them. but just a few

Picasa Web Albums - big_stu_12 - Bures Pits 24...#
Some great pictures fellas.... looks like a pretty good site. Might have to be present with a contingent from us herts lot next time it's on.

Might be a good opportunity to meet up.

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