Another great trip lads. As usual the fun went on a bit longer than expected. Looking forward to bures even more now.
Yep, another great evening, thanks for coming along. Cant wait to see the pictures!

Will see you Sunday at bures! (I'm a virgin it's my first time)
Aye another top day. Though if the hole gets any deeper i'm gonna have to fit stabilizers to the side of my truck!
Oh and i offically owned the water! :lol:
some good pics there stu ,great to meet ya all ,a good trip, little man was absoulutly shattered when we got home hes still asleep now :D looking forward to going out again
Just thought i would move the conversation about Bures here as it is more appropriate.

I am meeting up with guy on sunday morning and we will go to motormania in witham, opposite the police station, to meet up with a group of mates in there landy's.

Probably leave there about 9.30

I will post acurate times later.
Save the planet? Just for that comment i'm gonna drive there in a lower gear and burn more fuel! :lol:
Meeting Stu around the same time in Eight Ash Green.
Save the planet? Just for that comment i'm gonna drive there in a lower gear and burn more fuel! :lol:
Meeting Stu around the same time in Eight Ash Green.
Is there some Land Rover event going on today? Cause i've seen so
many around Tolgate this morning.
Kitted up Disco's and Defenders, some RR Classics and even a Lightweight.
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Anyone got any WD-40/other penertrating spray they could bring along tomorrow?
After my dip in the pudde last week the handbrake keeps jamming on. Plus my starter motor was playing up today.
Anyone got any WD-40/other penertrating spray they could bring along tomorrow?
After my dip in the pudde last week the handbrake keeps jamming on. Plus my starter motor was playing up today.

Think I got some Plusgas somewhere i see if I can dig it out tomorrow morn.

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