You have GOT to be kidding! WTF is going on! I thought you told him you will have the money by the end of the month and Brookediamond said he was in no rush to sell and would hold it for you AND didnt want a deposit to hold it even though you offered!!!!!!

I thought he would at LEAST PM you or phone you to ask beforehand! What an arse!!!

OK, back to sqaure one again...although perhaps you may wish to consider a petrol again with an AUTOMATIC gearbox???

teddy is a great guy.
And im sorry he does not now own my landy.
however Teddy never left a deposit ( not even a tenner). i said I would hold it for him but it has been 21 days and as yet no money from teddy.
I have had people begging me to sell it to them for allot more than i was selling it to teddy for.
i eventually got fed up of turning people away that had £5500 in front of me. ( Yes your right i was not desperate for the cash but i had not heard from teddy for 10 days and my add in auto trader ran out on thursday, so i selt it).

Please let me know if youy would not have done the same.:mad:
ps teddy,
sorry dude but i bet you still dont have the cash . do you?.:confused:
Hiya everyone:mad: and yup Adam all what you said is correct, He said he would hold it for me and yup he was in no rush to sell, he had it on autotrader for £5,695 so we think he got more money for it, Greed i think its called. I am so gutted now and Ive been searching all morning for another and there isnt a decent one in a 50 mile radius for £5,000 *sighs*
I was really hoping that Brookediamond would have kept to his word. I am just glad I didnt put a deposit down. I had contact with him only the other week:mad: . TBH Adam bud, I'm not worried, DSE or petrol as long as it meets the requirments that us guys expect, good solid engine etc..
If anyone can help in my search I would be very grateful
Thanks guys
Regards A VERY sad Ted:(

Well teddy I cant believe this crap you have just wrote here.
A. you were skint and never offered a deposit.( you said you were skint and could not realy aford to leave a deposit). seem like a nice guy but i think your a bit of a time waster.
c. I sold the car to a traveller from barnsley for £5000. so greed had nowt to do with it.( sick and tired of waiting for you to turn up with the cash.
d. Have you told the nice people on this web site how you were going to get your cash.( i bet not).

Teddy i think you waisted my time and the nice people who have put up with your moaning on this website.

Next time you want to buy a car, go with the money or at least a deposit.
I thought you was a decent guy but your a bit of time waister.

As for me i have sold my range rover for a very cheep price and that is that.:(
shame on you brook bond, poor teddy, what ever will he do now, lets just hope mr.bean can console him

Me smells bull****..........

Brookediamond made out that he had done the deal nearly 2 weeks ago, further more, on one of his posts it reads like the money had been handed over and that he no longer owned the car :confused:
d. Have you told the nice people on this web site how you were going to get your cash.( i bet not).

Teddy is selling Heroine? Cocaine? His kids? Guns?

no...he is a dog breeder and sells dogs! Whats wrong with that!

If nobody bred animals nobody would have pets!

c. I sold the car to a traveller from barnsley for £5000. so greed had nowt to do with it.( sick and tired of waiting for you to turn up with the cash.

One minute you say you got £5500 next your saying you got £5000? So which is it? If what you say is true and that you got £5000 finally for it from a traveller from Barnsley, I should remind you that Teddy was going to pay more money for it ie £5150 or whatever your original post asked for.

But the biggest question is why didnt you simply pick up the phone or PM him privately to find out if Teddy still wanted it?

It would of taken you 5 mins if that!

You my friend were the timewaster in all of this not Teddy!
geeez:mad: seems I have missed out on some gossip here. First I would like to thank my friend Adam for his help. Thanks to the other guys for their support. Just to set the record straight I yup show and breed boxers for the show ring for which 6 out of our 7 puppies have now been all sold:D :D with the last puppy to go next week thats a grand total of well over £5000. Secondly as most ppl that have read my posts in the DSE thread know that I/we got stung for £200 the last time I went to put a deposit on a range rover that wasnt what it was described and that was explained to brooke, he was asked if he would keep the car for me for 4 weeks !!!... and we saw him 2 weeks ago... correct me if I am wrong but according to my calculations we still had 2 weeks to go !! that would make it the 27th May, we are now only in the 15th May *cough cough*
Also we met him 16 days ago and not the 21 days that brooke states.
What i do think is that its greed that has reared its ugly head here in the fact that on here he only asks for £5,150 but on autotrader he asks over £5,500 and that it seems to me that he must have sold the car with that price tag rather than keep his word and honour the aggreement we had.
He is the one that must be skint if the other few hundred makes a man drop all principles and to stoop to such a low level to do such a thing, And he says I'm skint !!! lmfao@brooke
also just to set the record straight, no we are not skint, we have 5 children and normal bills to pay like everyone on here and in the rest of the world, My new rangie was going to be my new toy for me and the cash was not going to come out of money that is used to feed and clothe my children !! I have prioritys and principles definitive = A Real Man. Sorry but someone who has no principles or morals does not constitute a Real man in my book. We didnt pay him a deposit because we didnt trust him and you cant trust someone you dont know, and its a bloody good job
I didnt hand over any deposit money or we may have been robbed again.
also I have just come back from seeing a fantastic car and I have just paid £500 deposit. I think brooke shouldnt use this forum and pretend to
be loyal and supportive.
Brooke I think you need to take a leaf out of Adams, Bob le and some of the other guys that have all left positive posts in my DSE thread and I thank them all for their very helpful and positive actions. Big thanks to njh alias nick for looking at those RR's for me. This website has given me so much positive feedback and I have learned so much, I have used this website for what its been intended for, Brooke maybe you should do the same but I doubt you have given yourself a good name on here and to be honest I feel sorry for you. Ive wasted enough time on you now.

To Adam and the gang :D have i got some gossip, I will leave you a private message adam and I will call you tomorrow bud :D

Regards Teddy

Hiya guys, it's caroline, teddy's other half. Can somebody please tell me how you can sell puppies and send them to new homes when they are only nearly 4 weeks old when we went to see the car. Brooke was told we were dubious about leaving a deposit as we had been stung.....ifwe were that skint why did we travel 40 miles there and 40 miles back to see the car.....i think the person here who was skint was brooke himself. that my dear friends is all i have to say (unless something else crops up!!)
Caroline ;)
na na na naaaa na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa na n anaaaaaaaa!

oh! sorry thats coronation street! this is more like eastenders wiff them nasty mitchell brothers floggin dodgy motors
geeez:mad: seems I have missed out on some gossip here. First I would like to thank my friend Adam for his help. Thanks to the other guys for their support. Just to set the record straight I yup show and breed boxers for the show ring for which 6 out of our 7 puppies have now been all sold:D :D with the last puppy to go next week thats a grand total of well over £5000. Secondly as most ppl that have read my posts in the DSE thread know that I/we got stung for £200 the last time I went to put a deposit on a range rover that wasnt what it was described and that was explained to brooke, he was asked if he would keep the car for me for 4 weeks !!!... and we saw him 2 weeks ago... correct me if I am wrong but according to my calculations we still had 2 weeks to go !! that would make it the 27th May, we are now only in the 15th May *cough cough*
Also we met him 16 days ago and not the 21 days that brooke states.
What i do think is that its greed that has reared its ugly head here in the fact that on here he only asks for £5,150 but on autotrader he asks over £5,500 and that it seems to me that he must have sold the car with that price tag rather than keep his word and honour the aggreement we had.
He is the one that must be skint if the other few hundred makes a man drop all principles and to stoop to such a low level to do such a thing, And he says I'm skint !!! lmfao@brooke
also just to set the record straight, no we are not skint, we have 5 children and normal bills to pay like everyone on here and in the rest of the world, My new rangie was going to be my new toy for me and the cash was not going to come out of money that is used to feed and clothe my children !! I have prioritys and principles definitive = A Real Man. Sorry but someone who has no principles or morals does not constitute a Real man in my book. We didnt pay him a deposit because we didnt trust him and you cant trust someone you dont know, and its a bloody good job
I didnt hand over any deposit money or we may have been robbed again.
also I have just come back from seeing a fantastic car and I have just paid £500 deposit. I think brooke shouldnt use this forum and pretend to
be loyal and supportive.
Brooke I think you need to take a leaf out of Adams, Bob le and some of the other guys that have all left positive posts in my DSE thread and I thank them all for their very helpful and positive actions. Big thanks to njh alias nick for looking at those RR's for me. This website has given me so much positive feedback and I have learned so much, I have used this website for what its been intended for, Brooke maybe you should do the same but I doubt you have given yourself a good name on here and to be honest I feel sorry for you. Ive wasted enough time on you now.

To Adam and the gang :D have i got some gossip, I will leave you a private message adam and I will call you tomorrow bud :D

Regards Teddy
hi teddy i am just a little bit confused here cock, why would you be prepared to spend £5`150.00 buying a car from a guy you dont trust , its got me beat mate, and if all whats been said / agreed is actually fact i dont agree with brooke bonds actions , but apart from not keep his word to you as far as i can see he`s done nowt wrong even a tenner would have been classed as a deposit so if you were genuinely going to buy the guys motor why did you not just leave a token payment to show your commitment to your side of the deal.
at the end of the day the man with the brass gets the goods , i personally would not enter into any agreement to sell / hold on to a motor unless the other party stumped up a deposit .
lesson 1 if you go to buy a vehicle be it from someone you know or a stranger take some brass with you .
i can understand your disappointment and i am , certainly no fan of old brooke bond but slating the guy on open forum over this which i believe is 50/50 as far as fault goes is not really a good thing for the site as it will just create annomosity ( is that spelt right lol ) if i was you tedy i would just put it down to experiance and carry on looking mate :) .
This must be a disappointment for you Teddy.

But without a deposit being paid and a valid reciept, Then there is nothing you can do im afraid.

Rick firstly if you read back about two pages to brookes posts, I wasnt the one doing the slating !! I was just responding and correcting his wrong infomation. 2nd When I spoke to him on the phone I explained that I had no surplus cash and I asked if he would hold the car if I liked it. He said he would. Now if that was a problem for him he should have been straight from the start and said not aggreed and 3rd you tell me about slating him and not being good for the forum......lmfao How can you sit there and say that when you were all swearing and cursing him on the for sale thread !!! (not you personally)
1. I did not use profanity
2 I did not make any threatening gestures
3. I did not abuse him.

All those were used in the for sale thread so your preaching in the wrong thread mate.

Also I /we had every intention of buying the car and I sent him a text last night letting him know that I already have over half the cash.

This must be a disappointment for you Teddy.

But without a deposit being paid and a valid reciept, Then there is nothing you can do im afraid.

Hiya felicity :eek:
even with a valid reciept there wouldnt have been anything I could have done, been there two weeks before hand, Read back on the other posts which explains what happened.

regards Ted
The reciept would have formed a binding contract between you and the other party, The other party would have been in breach of contract for selling the vehicle to the 3rd party, Therefore you would have been in a position to sue for breach of contract.

Ive read all the posts and as far as the law of the land is concerned Brookediamond was well within his rights to sell the vehicle to another buyer.

I think it best to put it down to experiance.:eek:

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