Having read the posts leading up to this fiasco, what Teddy has said that after being burnt with a RR on eBay/Autotrader he lost £200 and with that in mind didnt have the money to place a deposit.

This also meant he was a bit weary of ANYONE when it came to buying a RR. Brookdiamond being a member of the forum had read Teds thread from the beginning and understood what Ted was saying and what had happened.

I have no idea why brookediamond feels it necessary to tell everyone how Ted was going to pay for it, it wasnt as if it was illegal.

Besides who cares where Ted got his money from, surely the point is that Ted gives Brookediamond the money and the transaction is completed.

But as I said before, he had Teds telephone number, he also knows how to post or send private messages on this forum. It would of taken him 5 minutes to do so.

As I'm aware Brookediamond also agreed and knew that Ted was going to have the money ready by the end of the month which is confirmed by the fact he knew how he was going to fund his purchase.

I thought there was some forum community friendship between us all on here, but at the first sign of money, it appears that went straight out the window without any thought of Teds feelings.
The reciept would have formed a binding contract between you and the other party, The other party would have been in breach of contract for selling the vehicle to the 3rd party, Therefore you would have been in a position to sue for breach of contract.

Ive read all the posts and as far as the law of the land is concerned Brookediamond was well within his rights to sell the vehicle to another buyer.

I think it best to put it down to experiance.:eek:

Yup we see your point here although his rights and the law was never in question, it was the entire principle of the situation. as Adamforeman said in a few posts back a simple pm or a call to assertain if we still wanted the car and yup the answer to that question would have been a yes and we should be doing the cash transaction in the next 7 to 10 days. We had already moved on from the situation as soon as we had recieved the text from him hence we started our search and the answer to ricks question was yup we knew we had to take the risk again with a deposit and we had to also know that not everybody was dishonest like the garage that stole our deposit, so yup we have left a deposit on a very nice car and yup we dont know him but if we didnt leave him with a deposit he had no chance in getting the car. Only thing I would like now is to be able to chat with my friends in here on another subject but I am unable to do that as everytime i check on here, this current subject is being continued. Brooke has said his piece, I have said mine so lets leave it at that now and look forward into other more positive aspects of things. I have no bad feelings towards Brooke, he did what a had to do and that is that:)

I will not reply to any other posts on the subject or in this forum if this subject is not put to bed, I have phone numbers of my friends on here and do not need the hassle.:) :)
BrookeShields, awww, he makes me larf. He'll be a reet result fer sum slitty forum now. We should all mourn his loss.
jings can yous not read? teddy sed he's gonna throw his toys out the pram if you don't stop posting on here!!!!

"I will not reply to any other posts on the subject or in this forum if this subject is not put to bed, I have phone numbers of my friends on here and do not need the hassle"

Ahh, course, they got rooolz down here. Thas' why us trakta types dunt come down here. Unless there's a good bitch fight to watch.
lol@slob:D :D :D Thanks for posting the funny comments and its nice to get away from the negative side of things and create a positive vibe:D :D

Regards Teddy:p
Ere' Slob, we jest bin accused of being positive! I'm going back upstairs to regain me customary gloomy outlook and post on questions aboot fones.
See, ya can cook sossijis on them Ranger Rovas things too, an it's bleedin chrome!

I'm orf, far too posh fer the likes of me.
nah that sonly pretend, he'll have the butler behind the rangie with a gas bbq. he'll just sneek them on the grill when no one is looking.

bit like this

" i say chaps , isn't that one of those rough tractor types over yonder"
(quick! jeeves gert dem bangers round ere!)

" ok! lunch is served, jeeves... bring the champers over and don't fergit the ice bucket"

potted shrimp anyone?
:D :D :D :D lmao, you two are mad, and you tractor types are more than welcome:D Its good to have a laugh, btw I dont like sausages, chicken drummers on the grill will do nicely:D

Regards Teddy Oh and jemima says hiya:D :p :D :p :D

P.s My partner is just signing up for the landy zone... should be interesting


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