:D :D :D :D lmao, you two are mad, and you tractor types are more than welcome:D Its good to have a laugh, btw I dont like sausages, chicken drummers on the grill will do nicely:D

Regards Teddy Oh and jemima says hiya:D :p :D :p :D

P.s My partner is just signing up for the landy zone... should be interesting


interesting it will be .....indeed :p:p
Yer don't like sosidgiz, eh wot do yer mean you don't like sosidgiz everyone likes sosidgiz. Not liking sosidgiz is a bit like not liking cheese sarnies only different.
lol:D I dont mind cheese sarnies as long as they got some pickle and and some toms in them, Bit dry other wise:D
posh folk! eh?

mr grunt would you perhaps partake in the eating of a cheese sandwich


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i do believe mr yella will be along shortly with some pickle ,if that is more to your taste..

more potted shrimp, grunters?
My partner is just signing up for the landy zone

are you a cowboy or a detective then, as far as im aware these are the only two sorts of people that have partners, apart from the other sort, and im sure yer aint a pufftah ;)
wheres my salmon and cucumber sarnies? cut into ickle triangles?

Rilly ickle triangles, and no crusts on account of his ol' denchurrs. Oh & hold the cucumber, makes him fill his bag too quick............oh, and the Salmon, no Salmon. We'll only have to retrieve his denchurrs frum his puke like last time. :rolleyes:
What more d'ya need to know Mr Y. Geezers an arrogant dick with a teensy.........er, dick. Oh, & a penchant for fretening folks wiv firearms................oh, & did I mention his small dick?
i thought teddy was gonna tell us all the gossip he pm'd his friend with, ffs sparticus we already know what you are going on about, i reckon ted has got some real juicy stuff like how brook bond has **** stains in his hall way and no carpet on the stairs
FFS Heidi, dint know he'd seen inside his gaff. Yeah FFS Big Ted, duz he rilly got a Wobbly Williams poster in the hall wot he kisses when he passes it?
Rick firstly if you read back about two pages to brookes posts, I wasnt the one doing the slating !! I was just responding and correcting his wrong infomation. 2nd When I spoke to him on the phone I explained that I had no surplus cash and I asked if he would hold the car if I liked it. He said he would. Now if that was a problem for him he should have been straight from the start and said not aggreed and 3rd you tell me about slating him and not being good for the forum......lmfao How can you sit there and say that when you were all swearing and cursing him on the for sale thread !!! (not you personally)
1. I did not use profanity
2 I did not make any threatening gestures
3. I did not abuse him.

All those were used in the for sale thread so your preaching in the wrong thread mate.

Also I /we had every intention of buying the car and I sent him a text last night letting him know that I already have over half the cash.

i dont do preaching matey i was just giving my opinion on the postings i had read , at the end of the day does it really matter a flying f*ck that he sold the car to some other bugger theres thousand still out there , so why not just be a good lad and put your kite straight, chuck your toys back in yer pram and carry on looking ffs :confused: :confused:

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