Hiya Rev and thanks for your support. A big thanks to Adam for the tip today. I rang Ewan ( brookediamond) and we are off to see him tomorrow,
It sounds like its a really nice Range rover :D from what it sounds like, it sounds like an absolute dream :)

Regards Teddy
You would of thought that any decent seller on ebay would be quite happy to state that if you are not completely satisfied with the item, or if the description does not suit what you see in the flesh then dont part with ya cash.
there are a few, but i also think there are a lot of ignorant bstds that will try to rip you off.

It is not allways possible to go miles to check sumatt out, but you can ask loads of questions, and if the answers are naff, or you get ignored then you know what to do.

I too got our latest Range off ebay, and so far so good.
got a mint 4.6, 56k. looks like the rear and front passenger seats unused.

Obviousely it will bite me in the arse at some stage, but that will be my fault for buying it.

All the best tedster, hope you find the right 1.
hi teddy that rangerover off ebay is not worth scrap money mate as these guys on here have pointed out to you , exactly what you can do about your deposit i have no idea , but as its no longer for sale you should get it back if they are proper people .
i would`nt be put of any vehicles on ebay , just because there are a couple of dodgey rouges on there it does`nt mean everyone is like that .
i bought my 97 hse of ebay recently and although it had severe overheating problems the guy was totally honest and upfront about it , the overheating fault as it turned out was a very cheap and very quick fix thankfully ( but it could have gone the other way though ) the car has turned out to be an absolute gem up to now i`ve spent a couple of quid on it doing minor things , like pads and a trackrod , and a new air compressor , but seeing i bought it very cheap to begin with these parts i`ve replaced still make it a very cheap car , oh and it also has the added bonus of being on lpg albeit single point .
as you were advised earlier the best thing to do is keep looking patiently and when something gets your interest , take along someone with experiance on rangerovers to give it the once over for you , it`ll pay in the long run .
thanks Rick and Ivor, just a note though, I never actually saw the advert on e-bay first. I first saw it on autotrader, it was only when I paid our deposit that he then stated that he was also addying it on e-bay to which he said he would take it off, which he never did, well not untill right at the last minute. and yup your right in the fact that its not worth scrap metal. On a positive note though, thanks to someone on the landy zone who has a real gem of a RR we are going to have a mooch at it in the morning:p
so hopefully I will have good things to report ;)

Regards A hopeful Teddy:D

Ive replied to the for sale quotes.
I had a good chuckle at some of the comments.

they have all done me a big favour because it kept the for sale thread running.

I hope you liked the car today

cheers Ewan:)
aye up brooke, ahhh yup the car is fantastic and we are totaly thrilled and cant wait to get my hands on it again :D :D
Big thanks to Adam for passing your details on to me THANKS ADAM !!:D I will be using one of the pics for my avatar:D
Ere Adam ;) do these look better ? :p :p :D

Regards A very excited little Teddy


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Hi Ted ..
Congrats On The New Car ... I Know Your Feelings After All What Happened To You .. You Let Us Live On A Long P38 Story ... Finally You Got It ... Hope You The Best ... And Drive Safely ...

Best Regards
Charbel .
This Is Not An Autobiography This Is An Autogeography ... What Happened Here ?? An Earthquake ?????????
hiya char, ive lost ya. the p38 that was meant to be the so called autobiography will not be owned by me. the pics just above your post is the very nice p38 DSE that is owned by Brookediamond that I will be collecting in about 4 weeks time :D :D And what a lovely RR it is too:D and not 1 single fault. Its a dream of a car wallnut burr throughout:D
and we so appreciate everybodys support here on this forum and we have made a few friends here:D And we will be keeping in touch with brooke well after we part cash:D
Regards Teddy
hiya Rev, yup i wasnt too sure about a manual range rover but after a nice smooth drive I was smitten ;) Also its got a chip that takes it to 183 bhp. the bodywork is fantastic and the inside is to die for:D . I have not 1 bad word to say about it:D

Regards Teddy

P.s nice to know that you have been following the events and thankyou.:)
Hi Ted ..
I Promise U .. You Will Never Lose Me Again ..
As You Said .. How Nice To Make Friends Without Any Profit ..
The Big Thanks Are For This Wonderful Site ..

Regards .
Charbel .
Hiya guys, It looks like I am on the look out again:( :mad: Brookediamond sold the car as he didnt hear from me for 10 days:mad:
I thought It was going to be kept for me but there ya go.
So guys If you see anything nice give us a shout.

Regards Teddy
Hiya guys, It looks like I am on the look out again:( :mad: Brookediamond sold the car as he didnt hear from me for 10 days:mad:
I thought It was going to be kept for me but there ya go.
So guys If you see anything nice give us a shout.

You have GOT to be kidding! WTF is going on! I thought you told him you will have the money by the end of the month and Brookediamond said he was in no rush to sell and would hold it for you AND didnt want a deposit to hold it even though you offered!!!!!!

I thought he would at LEAST PM you or phone you to ask beforehand! What an arse!!!

OK, back to sqaure one again...although perhaps you may wish to consider a petrol again with an AUTOMATIC gearbox???
Hiya everyone:mad: and yup Adam all what you said is correct, He said he would hold it for me and yup he was in no rush to sell, he had it on autotrader for £5,695 so we think he got more money for it, Greed i think its called. I am so gutted now and Ive been searching all morning for another and there isnt a decent one in a 50 mile radius for £5,000 *sighs*
I was really hoping that Brookediamond would have kept to his word. I am just glad I didnt put a deposit down. I had contact with him only the other week:mad: . TBH Adam bud, I'm not worried, DSE or petrol as long as it meets the requirments that us guys expect, good solid engine etc..
If anyone can help in my search I would be very grateful
Thanks guys
Regards A VERY sad Ted:(
When brookediamond received all those flames for posting about his RR for sale on here and thought to myself he doesn’t deserve all the flack he’s getting, well after this total fiasco! perhaps it was well deserved….

I can only assume now that he does this type of thing all the time on here….hardly a “diamond” geezer…should rename himself to “Brookecraponya”.
If a figure was agreed for payment, that forms a legal binding contract that will stand up in a court of law ( I know 2 people that have had a deal agreed on a sale of a vehicle then not seeing the interested purchaser for 10 weeks sold the car, only to be taken to court and losing for selling the vehicle that a price had been agreed on, verbal contract with a witness.). Have a word with RETSGORM if he is up on contract law he may be able to help if you wish to take it further.

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