hiya char m8 :) its good to know how the different models have their spec. yup i saw the memory nuttons etc.. on the autobiography, would you happen to know if the autobiography model also has the seats linked to the mirrors? also ive heard a rumour that when you reverse in the HSE/ autobiography models that the mirrors tilt down. :confused:

regards Ted

thats true as chabrolly says but you can if you want turn that feature off.

The Autobiography model was/is a model that people paid lots for. You had a greater range of options to choose from and you could have it finished the way you wanted hence the reason it was called Autobiography. If you look on LR's site you will see that you can buy a new L322 Range Rover and have the Autobiography model and totally customise it to how you want it.

-Wills :)
Hi Willis ...
How Can I Turn Off The Feature That Tilt The Mirrors With The Reverse ??

Regards .
Chabrolly .
Hi Willis ...
How Can I Turn Off The Feature That Tilt The Mirrors With The Reverse ??

Regards .
Chabrolly .

Put th key in, turn it to posistion 1 or 2 (dont start the engine). then select reverse. hold down the MEMORY STORE button on the seat and you will get a message saying MIRROR DIP OFF

all sorted :)

-Wills :)
Hi Wills ... Thanks For Your Informations ..
It Works ... And When I Want To Set It On , Do I Must Do The Same Thing ?
I Prefered To Ask You Before Do It Myself ..
Regards .
Charbel ...
Hi Wills ... Thanks For Your Informations ..
It Works ... And When I Want To Set It On , Do I Must Do The Same Thing ?
I Prefered To Ask You Before Do It Myself ..
Regards .
Charbel ...

yup, thats correct, do exactly the same again to restore it. its all in the manual by the way :) if you dont have one you can download a copy of RAVE which has one in, have a look here - RangeRovers.net :: View topic - RAVE Downloads (10Mb/s link)

-Wills :)
Morning guys. I am not happy:( :mad: the RR that i gave a deposit for is still on e-bay and they are saying that they will remove the item but havent, I got my dad to phone up and ask if the car was still for sale. the guy said that it was still for sale and did he want to come and have a look etc..:mad:
then I used my other E-bay name to ask his m8 who put the auction on if the car was still for sale or was it sold. we got a reply back saying this I will paste the message here as follows ::

slight hiccup in that we've been running it this week and its developed a slight overheating problem and is now running a little warm. We think it needs a head gasket which is around £600 and should be done sooner rather than later to avoid any engine damage- Im debating which way to go - im probably going to end the auction as it is no longer as described and we do pride ourselves on being straight down the line and customer satisfaction is of great priority to us and we value our good feedback and reputation -Itll probably end up going to auction, but I would still happily sell it off ebay as it is. I was aiming to get somewhere round the high fours for it, but in light of what ive just stated id be looking round the straight 4grand mark to sell it as is. If youre still interested, let me know. I;ll keep the auction running for now because I think the coil suspension aspect makes it a desirable one, and if it does well towards the end of the auction ill just get the head gasket done before whoever wins it collects it. If it doesnt do strong money, ill end at the last minute and block it - all depends on what price it achieves as to whether ill have the head done. Anyway, youre more than welcome to get your own estimate to do the gasket and take it as is if thats of any use to you.
thanks for the interest and the best of regards

They are trying to sell the car right from under my nose and when i spoke to the other guy and tried to get my deposit back he refused which he is entitled to do under consumer law but I dont understand what is going on and I need some help:(

regards Ted

You need to get your money back and if you paid him and have receipts then your entitled to get your money back based on the fact of the original description which has now changed and therefore they have broken the deal and not you.

If your still interested, and to be honest I'd grab your £200 and run, but if you are only pay £3500 tops. its NOT worth "high fours" as he claims even if its a biography. Heaven knows whats wrong with it now.

If its a head gasket, its big money....maybe even the engine is about to go. It also highlights poor ownership and servicing.

Some people treat there very vehicles very differently to me and others....I love my RR....others just treat it as a car to go from A to B.
hiya Adam. The engine is supposed to be new with only 2000 miles on the clock so I am well confused. I dont understand why they are trying to sell the car from under our noses tho :S when i spoke to the other guy yesterday and expressed our concerns he said not to worry. I asked him if i could take my mother over to see the car and he said yes and I could take the car out for a run if i wanted. Then we saw that message last might but it was his m8 that sent that ebay message.

hiya Adam. The engine is supposed to be new with only 2000 miles on the clock so I am well confused. I dont understand why they are trying to sell the car from under our noses tho :S when i spoke to the other guy yesterday and expressed our concerns he said not to worry. I asked him if i could take my mother over to see the car and he said yes and I could take the car out for a run if i wanted. Then we saw that message last might but it was his m8 that sent that ebay message.Ted


HE IS LYING TO YOU! If the car has a new engine, why is teh head gasket going after 2000 miles? That car is full of troubles and a potential money pit.

The cost of a head gasket going exceeds £600 I can assure you. But what else is about to go?

Sounds like a really dodgy deal and if you have made a purchase via eBay notify them, if you have done a separate deal not on eBay, notify them anyway. If they dont want negative feedback and their account stopped.

I'm really sorry to hear about all these probelsm Ted, but it looks like this guy is worth steering (pun intended) clear of.
Yeah i know what you mean,
When he lifted the bonnet up the engine looked brand new, maybe it had been steam cleaned? He also said he has the recipt for the new engine, which i haven't seen, yet! i will ask to see it tomorrow, my lass is going to print the message off that 'her brother ;)' received yesterday and ask the guy what the hell is going on!!
Yeah i know what you mean,
When he lifted the bonnet up the engine looked brand new, maybe it had been steam cleaned? He also said he has the recipt for the new engine, which i haven't seen, yet! i will ask to see it tomorrow, my lass is going to print the message off that 'her brother ;)' received yesterday and ask the guy what the hell is going on!!

Steam cleaning an engine before you sell a car is the oldest trick in the book! Always be very suspicious when an engine is clean as a whistle when you look under a bonnet when you come to buy a car. Even after 2000 miles, it shouldnt be spotless. A cars engine should look "honest" when you look, does it look dusty/muddy/dirty/oily/slighty rusty underneath? If so, its more than likely to be an honest motor....all warts and all.

If you havent seen the receipt for the engine, my suspision would be he trying it on...claiming its new and its far from it! Its very easy to "dress" an engine and make it look newer than it is. People do it for cosmetic purposes and others to con people.....I'm pretty sure that its the latter.

Turn up in force and take a camera/camcorder with you, also take a audio recorder and hide it about your person.

Not that I wish to concern you but things could turn nasty and you need to protect yourself.

Trading Standards and the Fraud Office will be very interested in this aswell....

Thankfully, you found out before making full payment.
Only major problem is....they have our address, it's on the receipt, the way i feel i'd rather cut my losses and run, even though it's 200 quid, i'm really annoyed. Another thing is, the place is all fenced around the edges with guard dogs, (rotties) who's to say he don't set the hounds on me :s god what do i do ? HELP :(:(:(
WTF!!! Who are you buying from? The Krays????!!!!!

I know what you mean, this is what i'm saying what do i do, do i confront him and risk getting beaten by him and his cronies, there's about 6 of them there, or risk getting eaten by the hounds. Or the alternative is to do nothing and let him get away with it, but that is gonna really pee me off. Or my lass could ring him tomorrow (less confrontational if its a woman) and read him the ebay message and tell him that the item description has now changed it is now not as it was advertised and we want a refund on our deposit. WTF do we do? :(:(:(
also the issues are really, why didnt scott tell us on the phone yesterday that the head gasket had gone and he would replace it (obviously he wants us to buy into a bottomless money pit) and why is he trying to sell it under our noses when he has a deposit, if someone rings up they should be saying its gone now, but he's still telling people to go and look at it. Is it just that he's a dodgy b*****d and we should just stay well clear?
I know what you mean, this is what i'm saying what do i do, do i confront him and risk getting beaten by him and his cronies, there's about 6 of them there, or risk getting eaten by the hounds. Or the alternative is to do nothing and let him get away with it, but that is gonna really pee me off. Or my lass could ring him tomorrow (less confrontational if its a woman) and read him the ebay message and tell him that the item description has now changed it is now not as it was advertised and we want a refund on our deposit. WTF do we do? :(:(:(

I would go back there and confront him about it. DONT be aggressive or violent. Explain what has happened and what you have got on eBay and see what he says. If he totally denies it then just show him the message you got on the piece of paper. They MIGHT be reasonable guys who have just made a bit of a cock up so dont go in guns blazing so to say.

What EXACTLY did he say when you asked for your deposit back?? Did you get a receipt for the deposit?? Is there ANY paperwork showing you left a deposit??

If you are worried about going to see the guy then take your father and possible a couple of friends along for support. If theres more of you there theres less of a chance things will get ugly.

Be careful about taking cameras and tape recorders, if you go in with those showing and recording you are immediately going to get them being all defensive. If you can conceal them then OK but just be careful...

Above all try and stay calm, the moment you start getting wound up and raising your voice they will see a green light to start getting aggressive.

Good luck...

hiya wills, yup we got a reciept for it and rich the guy who sent the e-bay message was asked by this guy scott to remove the item, this guy scott even told us to ring this guy rich and tell him to remove the item, we rang him and he said he would remove the item as we did on thursday but still not been removed, also on the e-bay addy he states that he lives in bedford but obviously he doesnt as we met this guy on thursday.
we have had to make up false aliases to ask this guy "ask the seller a question" if the car is still for sale, maybe you guys can ask him about the car, i dont have alot of experience with this. I will post the link here

eBay.co.uk: Range Rover 4.6 HSE 2000 SPEC autobiography (item 120110574496 end time 28-Apr-07 17:48:14 BST)

try if you can for obvious reasons not to say that you all know me if you know what i mean.
now as the message he sent us (read above posts) states that he will take 4 k for the car, well thats the price that we were quoted as states on autotrader which is where we originally saw the advert, so what is confusing is its 4k before the so called overheating problem and 4k after the so called overheating problem came to light.......hmmmm

Look at that console! Its corked! Its had bits removed and even though I have an aftermarket stereo in my car, no attempt to replace burr walnut radio blanks either side is just unprofessional. Its missing a lot of bits, in fact how can anyone say this IS an Autobiography? Didn't someone say the console was Burr Walnut? Well apart from the automatic gear shift area and ashtray...its bare as my bum!


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