lmao... you guys are so funny:D Ive just got back from sheffield to read all the posts i missed and ive just had tears running down my face with laughter. :D and someone mentioned gossip ahh well now:p ya should see the lovely Rangie I'm getting:D proper nice, oh and I wish i had a butler, and no I'm not a puftah, my partner as in theonlyjovifreak = Caroline:D and ive never tried potted shrimp....lol, mind you tho i am a bit partial to a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel:p :p :p :p :p

Regards Teddy:D
i dont do preaching matey i was just giving my opinion on the postings i had read , at the end of the day does it really matter a flying f*ck that he sold the car to some other bugger theres thousand still out there , so why not just be a good lad and put your kite straight, chuck your toys back in yer pram and carry on looking ffs :confused: :confused:
If you had read the posts you would have seen that we moved on from that this morning, and secondly brookbond did us a huge favour and 3rd I am not a lad by any means, unless of course your an OAP and in that case then i would be a lad compared to you, and 4th I dont own a pram and 5th by the sounds of your post it seems like you are the one with the ****y attitude so i suggest you do what everyone else has done and move on:p and create the positive vibe that you were preaching on to me about last night:p
so teddy, tell us all yer gossip on that bastard brook bond then ;)

lol... TBH.. I cant be arsed.. I really dont want to waste my time talking about something that isnt worthy of my typing skills:p

I'd much rather be talking about salmon and cucumba sarnies:p
Looks like rick0pl155 is up fer a nomination in this weeks "prick o the week awards" :rolleyes: :D

Ooooo i say!! Someone not reading the entire content i see!!

Oh yeah, btw my daughter has apram, she likes to throw her toys out, dad picks them up, so i reckon Ted prefers to put toys back in the pram and not throw them out :p :p :p :p :p
Ere' dunt start the mutual procreation society stuff. Little gangs of the betrothed & the blood related, roaming the wastes of Lz. S'not rite!
If you had read the posts you would have seen that we moved on from that this morning, and secondly brookbond did us a huge favour and 3rd I am not a lad by any means, unless of course your an OAP and in that case then i would be a lad compared to you, and 4th I dont own a pram and 5th by the sounds of your post it seems like you are the one with the ****y attitude so i suggest you do what everyone else has done and move on:p and create the positive vibe that you were preaching on to me about last night:p
you dont half get yourself in a tizzy teddy :) :) create a positive vibe ? is that the same type of positive vibe that you`ve been beely acheing about like a bloody old woman , just because you missed out on buying a car from a bloke you didnt even trust !!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if you`ve been at the sherry bottle lad , ( opps sorry ) boy , but if i was you i would leave the planet your on right away come back down to earth , btw have you seen the time teddy , i reckon its well past your bedtime :) :) :)

I didnt spot one I must say....lol
reet big ted , if you and jemina want to play wiff the traccta boys you gotta lurn a few things, thirst orf we dunt use rolfl or anything that stem from there.
if you must use lettas instead of wurds you can use the tratta sanctioned 'ltipadms' or 'ltipao'(then fill in yer own stuff)
I can't believe this. On 8th April someone logged on and mentioned they were interested in buying a RR and now a month later an epic 22 pages have been written about the ups and downs. I have followed the plot and it looks like people have been let down and bad decsions have been made but 22 pages! You need to get out more!
you dont half get yourself in a tizzy teddy :) :) create a positive vibe ? is that the same type of positive vibe that you`ve been beely acheing about like a bloody old woman , just because you missed out on buying a car from a bloke you didnt even trust !!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if you`ve been at the sherry bottle lad , ( opps sorry ) boy , but if i was you i would leave the planet your on right away come back down to earth , btw have you seen the time teddy , i reckon its well past your bedtime :) :) :)

*yawn* *yawn*

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