i got my first driving ticket in budleigh salterton, never seen a warden there before, and the worst part of it is my "mates" were in a car watching it, and didnt phone me cause they thought it was funny. i didnt find the 50 quid fine funny, the bastids :(

Can't have been a proper Traffic Warden then cos a police fixed penalty notice for a non-endorsable offence isn't £50 (its less) . It's been a council type warden (they aren't really traffic wardens but they like to call themselves ones - they dont have half of the legal powers the old yellow hat band types had), totaly different (worse actualy with councils cos it's purely about making money, not detering offences). Mind you - if theres yellow lines it's a bit of a no-brainer to park there in probably the lagest vehicle in the street anyway:D !
it was actually in a car park, and like 20 yrds from the machine, so i deserved it, just ****ed off, as u would be lo
Now thats a bummer! I go to huge lengths to avoid paying in car parks when I can - it's against my religion (actually, theres a thought, in this PC world I could probably claim that - what say we start a new religion - anyone who says it's stupid would be actualy breaking the religious hatred laws! LOL).
Tennets of the book of Terra Ero:

1. Thou shalt not pay for parking.
2. Thou shall park upon the car that is called Ka, it being an abomination unto the righteous.
3. Thou shall scorn upon the pretenders that is called X5, jeep, Pajero and so on, thou shalt laugh as they rusteth before thine very eyes and thou shalt make comments to thine passengers about the manhood of they that would driveth them.
4. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours winch, (that he got off eBay for £50 less than you).
5. Thou shalt only give monies to the beast that is called Brown Gordon with much gnashing of teeth and wailing at the pump.
6. And the leaving of the Landy shall be upon the verge or the private driveway and the soil that haveth the flowers of the field upon it, and not upon the pay and display and thou shalt not giveth the content of your wallet to the council.

Mmm, its a start.
See, to make me pay would be religious oppression!
Now thats a bummer! I go to huge lengths to avoid paying in car parks when I can - it's against my religion (actually, theres a thought, in this PC world I could probably claim that - what say we start a new religion - anyone who says it's stupid would be actualy breaking the religious hatred laws! LOL).
Tennets of the book of Terra Ero:

1. Thou shalt not pay for parking.
2. Thou shall park upon the car that is called Ka, it being an abomination unto the righteous.
3. Thou shall scorn upon the pretenders that is called X5, jeep, Pajero and so on, thou shalt laugh as they rusteth before thine very eyes and thou shalt make comments to thine passengers about the manhood of they that would driveth them.
4. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours winch, (that he got off eBay for £50 less than you).
5. Thou shalt only give monies to the beast that is called Brown Gordon with much gnashing of teeth and wailing at the pump.
6. And the leaving of the Landy shall be upon the verge or the private driveway and the soil that haveth the flowers of the field upon it, and not upon the pay and display and thou shalt not giveth the content of your wallet to the council.

Mmm, its a start.
See, to make me pay would be religious oppression!

snigger! sounds like a good idea to me!
I was taken to Court for No Insurance,No MOT and No Valid Tax Disc.....Dangerous vehicle.... The Judge was quite ****ty with me, seeing as I was a professional driver(psv) I SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER. All the evidence was great........I was in the drivers seat with the car keys in my hand......"lovely woman pc" is the one who took me to court..........:eek: :eek:

Then came the truth ..............:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I was sat in a friends car that was going to the scrap yard,leaning across to get my dog lead out of the glovebox.Keys were on my lap........... The car was not mine,so thats why I did not have any paperwork for it.
Turned out the wpc was after my ex................SHE got done for wasteing Court time, and she even had to pay me compensation :D and she had to write a personal "I am sorry" letter:cool: :p
I was taken to Court for No Insurance,No MOT and No Valid Tax Disc.....Dangerous vehicle.... The Judge was quite ****ty with me, seeing as I was a professional driver(psv) I SHOULD OF KNOWN BETTER. All the evidence was great........I was in the drivers seat with the car keys in my hand......"lovely woman pc" is the one who took me to court..........:eek: :eek:

Then came the truth ..............:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I was sat in a friends car that was going to the scrap yard,leaning across to get my dog lead out of the glovebox.Keys were on my lap........... The car was not mine,so thats why I did not have any paperwork for it.
Turned out the wpc was after my ex................SHE got done for wasteing Court time, and she even had to pay me compensation :D and she had to write a personal "I am sorry" letter:cool: :p
:D serves her right,,,:D
just to add to it i just got a feckin 634 contravening a red. 3 points and 60 quid fine, thats one thats gonna be getting contested!!!!
no camera, no video, and the fact it was on bloody amber with a class 2 right up my arse and a heavy load in the disco.
as a proffesional driver it was the safest option and good call of judgment in my opinion as the class 2 only managed to stop just after the stop line........
A few years ago,in a little known part of the wolld-Guisborough,
I was heturning home late one night.----it was a very dark/unlit /steep bank. We had just fitted "Some evta lights" thinking this would be a good place to test them!------Suddenly, out of no where appeared 2police cars!
There occupants had had their "Sense of humour " removed.----I was told "several people had reported a landed UFO------us!-----felt like saying "Beam me up" or "We come in Peace"---all either of us could say was.....eeerrr!
thats what they got me with raz, tried to explain that its not possable to stop a disco in a hurry and that i had a baby in the car and a car up my arse but they were avin none of it, was goin to contest but the lawyer i used when i got banned said that if i took it to court and got a bad judge i could end up with a bigger fine and more points so begrudgingly took the points.
I got pulled for doing the speed limit on the m4 the copper said that he found it suspicous that i was driving at 70 mph on a motorway as its a fast stretch and most fly though, very suspicous as i was in a fully sign written van owned by the worlds biggest secuirty company, so working and get pulled for doing my job sensibly. another time i got pulled doing 76 mph on the m32, told copper he was a etty **** and got 3 points and £60 fine lol

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