hows about this one...

i was picked up from work by a mate, duering the drive home he was cut up by another driver took evasive action but lost control and flipped the mk4 ford escort on its roof right in front of a class 1 that seemed to be having trouble stoping to avoide my mate's car..

several mins later i'm still upside down strapped into the passenger's seat, to which two nice officer's of our law and two emergency service's gents decided to cut me free and take me for a check up...

while i was getting my check up(very nice of them it was really) they decided to tell me that my mate didnt have a licence or insurence..

i replied with oh i didnt know sorry he was just a work mate and that i had accepted the lift as my car was currentlly in the shop having a service..

at which point i was told i was under caution and that anything i say could be and would be used in eveidence i protested stating i was a passenger and they knew this as they personally had cut me out of the vehical..

at which point he replied as a licenced driver it was my responsobility..

in court my solicitor said dont worry no court will convict which point i was given 9 points a fine and got a new solicitor..
9 points!!! fooking ell. I'd have thrown the book at yer :D

And it'd have bin a big heavy one an orl..

and speaking of heavy hav yer finished the welding yet??? Not that I'm in a rush as I've been banned from using the Disco (Fooking Bastids) and it looks like I'm gonna be homeless by the end of the month. :mad: :mad:
Aye that was the plan but I ha decided to spend anuffer year in Hull and earn some money.

Like all Plans things int going quite ta schedyule :mad:
NO!! but it's getting there. :) just got to.

Bleed Brakes
Fit dash
Make a 2nd sub frame for the seats
Assemble the doors and fit them.
Source & fit some series door catches
Wire up rear tub and fit lights number plates etc.
Fit seats and figure out what to do about battery access.

Then it's MOT time and see what else it fails on.

Oh an then it needs painting :eek:
back in my youth and driving a newly accuired bmw to work after having picked my mate up one winter about 6 am in the morn and having him brag about he can do this and do that in car (back seat driver who didnt even have a license) i decided to show him what drift was, i entered the round about fish tailing on the limiter of 2nd (56ish) bit of scandinavian and we broadside we went on full chat, up into 3rd and spinning on the limiter on exit of the roundabout (90ish) now broadside on entering the dual carridgeway i droped my ciggy on my lap, let go of the throttle only to have the car snatch the other way, on the 3rd complete revoloution i managed to catch it and accelerate away, as i pulled up next to the lights i was greeted by a marked omega elite to be told "that was a bit silly wasnt it! looked good from where i was watching you though!" after all ready avoiding 2 previous bans i though i was rather lucky !!!!!!!
moral of the story is, keep the drift and dont let go of the throttle!!!!!!
I wont say what I got done for on the early days of the mo-ped.. Cos you'll all take the **** for the rest of my days on here!. And Its embarassing lmao!
back in my youth and driving a newly accuired bmw to work after having picked my mate up one winter about 6 am in the morn and having him brag about he can do this and do that in car (back seat driver who didnt even have a license) i decided to show him what drift was, i entered the round about fish tailing on the limiter of 2nd (56ish) bit of scandinavian and we broadside we went on full chat, up into 3rd and spinning on the limiter on exit of the roundabout (90ish) now broadside on entering the dual carridgeway i droped my ciggy on my lap, let go of the throttle only to have the car snatch the other way, on the 3rd complete revoloution i managed to catch it and accelerate away, as i pulled up next to the lights i was greeted by a marked omega elite to be told "that was a bit silly wasnt it! looked good from where i was watching you though!" after all ready avoiding 2 previous bans i though i was rather lucky !!!!!!!
moral of the story is, keep the drift and dont let go of the throttle!!!!!!

Or that Smoking is bad for you? :rolleyes:
to this day i still smoke, aint lost control of a car since either! was the one and only time thank god, what made me laugh was the fact that the lad who was in the car with me was like " lad! how do yer learn to do that"? yer just play it cool dont yer! lmao!
9 points!!! fooking ell. I'd have thrown the book at yer :D

And it'd have bin a big heavy one an orl..

and speaking of heavy hav yer finished the welding yet??? Not that I'm in a rush as I've been banned from using the Disco (Fooking Bastids) and it looks like I'm gonna be homeless by the end of the month. :mad: :mad:

I don't know how comfy my sofa is in comparison to yours, but your welcome to it. And I'll re-offer the use of my Series 3. I can soon have it fixed for you, just need a cylinder and pipe for the brakes and it's fit to go.
Some good uns so far. I was armoured a US stopped by 2 of their finest MP's...... for doing a 20 mph a ticket for speeding.......and another for not having my licence on my person.....2 bites at the cherry, unbefeckinlievable. After nearly 4 yrs here.....that just tops it for me! And the MP was so young, he had a note from his mum....You couldnt write the script for this....
''Well what did you do in the war dad?''
''I handed out tickets son, very honourable and dangerous job''.........

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