Some good uns so far. I was armoured a US stopped by 2 of their finest MP's...... for doing a 20 mph a ticket for speeding.......and another for not having my licence on my person.....2 bites at the cherry, unbefeckinlievable. After nearly 4 yrs here.....that just tops it for me! And the MP was so young, he had a note from his mum....You couldnt write the script for this....
''Well what did you do in the war dad?''
''I handed out tickets son, very honourable and dangerous job''.........

don't know if it's true but a mate of mine reckons some u.s. bases have mcdonalds and harley davidson dealerships on them!
don't know if it's true but a mate of mine reckons some u.s. bases have mcdonalds and harley davidson dealerships on them!

i've been on a few over here and they certainly all had a miccy ds - and the prices were based on the US pricing so it wuz burgers fer peanuts
Got pulled over on a sturday night for "pulling out of a junction a bit quick".
Done a 16 hour shift at work, copper looked at me sed "you been drinking?" I sed "chance would be a fine thing" in a proper arsey mood. He sed "fair enough, good night".
Also got moaned at once for having me spotlights on. Me dad thought he was helping sed "hes only got them on cos one of his headlights has blown" Got away with that though!
and speaking of heavy hav yer finished the welding yet??? Not that I'm in a rush as I've been banned from using the Disco (Fooking Bastids) and it looks like I'm gonna be homeless by the end of the month. :mad: :mad:

hay up mate..

aye, well as much as wuz needed fer the nasty mot man;)

if yer want's i can drop it over friday ?:cool:

an how comes yer banned from the disco..if it wernt for you useing and keeping it running it be still sat with fooked breaks tires and all the other bits yer had to repair on it for use ?
in 1983 got a new lorry , volvo f7 , the dogs nuts to me , after driving bedford km for 9 months , going up a1 when plod came along side and pulled me into layby. do you realise you were doing 56 mph ( should be 50) , sorry i said i didnt notice my speed ..... reply was , ok so if i dont do you for speeding , i could do you for .. undue care and attension ...... i couldnt win . he sent me off with a warning .... f,kin hitler.
Yeah... what a complete cnut for not sticking you for a speeding ticket and a driving without due care ticket and just giving you something to think about.

Don't you hate it when coppers are such complete tossers like that eh?

A copper let me orf with a warnin the other day for doin over 100 mph through a red light. I sez I need that speedin ticket to prove me Landy ud go that fast and I couldn't stop at the red light cos me brakes dont werk an he just laughed the tosser!
A copper let me orf with a warnin the other day for doin over 100 mph through a red light. I sez I need that speedin ticket to prove me Landy ud go that fast and I couldn't stop at the red light cos me brakes dont werk an he just laughed the tosser!

my dad got a speeding ticket on the autobahn,we were in his vw camper towing a trailer and got nicked doing 100km/ a 50 mark fine and my dad was so chuffed that the fire breathing camper could break the speed limit he stuck it in the window!
I got pulled over by a member of Kent's finest, whilst driving an Army 110, with military number plates, whilst in Uniform - of the camouflage variety(whilst a member of HM reserve forces) because the numpty Policeman thought I might be a Terrorist.... He also asked me if the Landrover was mine, I replied that as a Taxpayer, you could say that it was...

He was a tad miffed when he realised that I was kosher....

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