hay up mate..

aye, well as much as wuz needed fer the nasty mot man;)

if yer want's i can drop it over friday ?:cool:

an how comes yer banned from the disco..if it wernt for you useing and keeping it running it be still sat with fooked breaks tires and all the other bits yer had to repair on it for use ?

No rush I used the stick ter weld me noo subframes. I int got a clue wots going on wiv the disco. I think her retard ex has been whining to her cos he said he needed it one day last week & I left him the keys. & caught the train to Leeds & back. When I got back at 8:00pm The lazy bastid was still in bed and the disco hadn't fooking moved. so the next time he said he needed it I took it to leeds and left a note saying "I'll be back before your out of bed". & they sort of took the hump. Plus she wants me to tile her onsuite shower room as a favour to her, for letting me pay her to stay here. and baby sit her teenage son while she's in septic land. & she's a bit miffed cos I int gonna do it. So I is gonna get the 90 mot'd and I'm out of here just as soon as it's movable.
I don't know how comfy my sofa is in comparison to yours, but your welcome to it. And I'll re-offer the use of my Series 3. I can soon have it fixed for you, just need a cylinder and pipe for the brakes and it's fit to go.

Cheers Baloo but the 90 will be finished in a couple of days and I've got a couple of places to stay lined up already. :) :)
Ah found out the fooker will fit on me swingaway carrier after I'd sold it to ya. Fooking bastid. But I int too bothered cos I've got anuffer mount wot I made ages ago. & I'll just make that one fit instead.

I was thinking of taking a load of piccies & making some drawings & taking measurements etc and sending em to some snide scouser I know. To see if he fancies starting a new merchandising line.
Ah found out the fooker will fit on me swingaway carrier after I'd sold it to ya. Fooking bastid. But I int too bothered cos I've got anuffer mount wot I made ages ago. & I'll just make that one fit instead.

I was thinking of taking a load of piccies & making some drawings & taking measurements etc and sending em to some snide scouser I know. To see if he fancies starting a new merchandising line.

Aint it always the way. Did you want to keep it for yourself? If so now's yer chance to say.
Nah a deals a deal. Yu paid fer it so it's yours. Me other one will do me fine.
Nah a deals a deal. Yu paid fer it so it's yours. Me other one will do me fine.

you sure? If you wanna keep it nows the chance to say. I wont miss something I don't have if you see what I mean. I can always buy one else where. If you are sure you don't want it then I will send the extra to you when you have priced it up.
Well it wasn't me exactly but the story goes like this. A few of us stayed at our mates after a night out. We got back early morning as you do, and he had to call his missus to check in.

However his phone was dead and he had left the charger for his phone in the car. So grabbing his keys off he trotted happily to his car, unlocks it, grabs the charger and you guessed it O B turned up and arrested him for attempting to drive his car.

My mate got a 12 month ban for getting his phone charger!!!! Now I know he shouldn't have gone to his car with keys in hand, but surely a little more common from the O B wouldn't have gone amiss??!?!
you sure? If you wanna keep it nows the chance to say. I wont miss something I don't have if you see what I mean. I can always buy one else where. If you are sure you don't want it then I will send the extra to you when you have priced it up.

No it's ok I have already sorted out wher the new mount is going to fit.

An anyway av spent yer dosh!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D
Well it wasn't me exactly but the story goes like this. A few of us stayed at our mates after a night out. We got back early morning as you do, and he had to call his missus to check in.

However his phone was dead and he had left the charger for his phone in the car. So grabbing his keys off he trotted happily to his car, unlocks it, grabs the charger and you guessed it O B turned up and arrested him for attempting to drive his car.

My mate got a 12 month ban for getting his phone charger!!!! Now I know he shouldn't have gone to his car with keys in hand, but surely a little more common from the O B wouldn't have gone amiss??!?!

oi you is taking us orf topic here ffs:rolleyes: :D :p

No rush I used the stick ter weld me noo subframes. I int got a clue wots going on wiv the disco. I think her retard ex has been whining to her cos he said he needed it one day last week & I left him the keys. & caught the train to Leeds & back. When I got back at 8:00pm The lazy bastid was still in bed and the disco hadn't fooking moved. so the next time he said he needed it I took it to leeds and left a note saying "I'll be back before your out of bed". & they sort of took the hump. Plus she wants me to tile her onsuite shower room as a favour to her, for letting me pay her to stay here. and baby sit her teenage son while she's in septic land. & she's a bit miffed cos I int gonna do it. So I is gonna get the 90 mot'd and I'm out of here just as soon as it's movable.
got a shovel and a big bag of lime if yer need's it bud ;)

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