
New Member
OK guys/gals, tell me your wierdest driving offence, I got one that'll beat/equal them all.

1st prize is the complete James Bond movie collection on Betamax.
I have been pulled over for "taking a suspicious route" and on another occasion "driving suspiciously". How the heck either of those are possible I am not quite sure!
Must've been the fedora hat on ur head and the false moustache on the bumper, always a dead giveaway to an experienced copper.........
cutting up a plod, then yelling at him when he pulled me over with my mum yelling at me saying "shut up or ure gonna get arrested!" :D
Ok, u better hide, did a PNC check, you've got 17 outstanding warrants...
hee hee
I did get a parking ticket in St Tropez in 1980, but I ignored it.
Spose I'll get arrested if I ever set foot in Froggyland again.
i got my first driving ticket in budleigh salterton, never seen a warden there before, and the worst part of it is my "mates" were in a car watching it, and didnt phone me cause they thought it was funny. i didnt find the 50 quid fine funny, the bastids :(
I got a speeding ticket for doing 51mph in a 7.5 ton truck in a national speed limit (50mph for that class of vehicle) an hour before I got there??????? I had to argue with the plod that it was a 7.5 ton and not hgv2. They then told me to send my plating certificate to them to prove it. When I pointed out that it was an offence not to display the plate on the truck and that they are now telling me to break the law to prove I wasn't breaking the law the officer on the phone got real ****y.:p
oh, and i rolled my first car(slitty jimny) 2 days after my test. what happened was i was following some old biddy in a ford focus, they indicated left at a junction, so i checked mirrors, indicated right and pulled out(making sure the other lane was clear obviously), near enough got past them, and he decided to turn right instead, clipping my back end and shunting me onto the verge sideways, i was sliding sideways along the verge out of control, reached the end of the verge, front wheels reached the road, and gripped and the back end swung around, lost balance the the whole car tipped over on the opposite side of the road in the hedge. luckily no one was hurt and the car was written off(shame). and the worst part is they took the old guys word for it because i was so new to driving, thats what really hacked me off.
oh and the fact that my insurance went up by like 700 :(

was going to be charged with driving without due care and attention, but int he end they just offered me 2 days on a driving course instead.
i got stopped in me wagon coming through a little village called flockton , south of huddersfield . he was bollocking me and pretty close to giving me a ticket when i pointed out the weight restriction only applied going the other way ....
never even said he was sorry .... bastid....
a speeding ticket came throgh the post and it was me who was driving, but was driving x husbands car, and i managed to get him to think it was him who was driving that day so he got points and fine!!!
a speeding ticket came throgh the post and it was me who was driving, but was driving x husbands car, and i managed to get him to think it was him who was driving that day so he got points and fine!!!

MRS BUCKET !!!!:eek: thats dreadful behaviour ......

funny tho.....:D
in true english fashion me - the missus and 3 kids decided to go to new york on the spur of the moment. when we returned we jumped in the car and headed home - as we were leaving the airport we were stopped by the police who were carrying out random searches of vehicles and people. i did not have my documents in the car so had to produce them at our local police station - to my horror, my bloody insurance had run out 7 days earlier - 6 points and 360 quid fine. moral of the story is dont be tempted by spur of the moments.:rolleyes:
Got a phone call from my friend in Torquay about 3 months after I left there. Saying a letter had arrived from Midlands speed camera twots. I'd been caught?? by 3 speed cameras on the M6 within 1hr. Slowest speed was 91mph. I was in a mondeo TD Estate. Never heard anymore because he sent the letter back saying he'd never heard of me..

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