
Active Member
Press the accelerator slightly (While the ignition key is turning) in order for the engine to fire up?

I do....

Im not saying this is a problem to me as such because iv learned to live with it, however, is this normal behaviour?

Sometimes mine will fire straight up using the key alone and sometimes i have to help it along with the acellerator peddle, otherwise it wont fire up and i get a flooded smell.

Whats causing this?
Does this occur when the fuel is low? The reason I ask is that when my fuel is around quarter tank or lower I have to press the accelerator to get it to fire. I was advised by the more knowledgeable members that I likely have a weak in tank fuel pump. I try to keep the fuel above half tank.
Does this occur when the fuel is low? The reason I ask is that when my fuel is around quarter tank or lower I have to press the accelerator to get it to fire. I was advised by the more knowledgeable members that I likely have a weak in tank fuel pump. I try to keep the fuel above half tank.

I'm pretty sure it's all the time mate, however the gauge is now between a quarter and half and i had to use the acellerator to start today .....

Cheers for the info mate ;)
I can't remember the last time I started my 4.6 when actually sitting in it. Door gets opened, key in and then engine started then I'm off strapping the kids in or waiting on the seat to reposition. She fires up everytime with zero delay...touch wood.
I can't remember the last time I started my 4.6 when actually sitting in it. Door gets opened, key in and then engine started then I'm off strapping the kids in or waiting on the seat to reposition. She fires up everytime with zero delay...touch wood.

mine's a manual. did that once and for some odd reason had left it in reverse and handbrake off. guess what happened...:doh:
And expect a rough start up after re connecting the maf, i did mine it was working so i re connected it and it would not fire up, had the start it with the maf unpluged then re connect when running then go for a run to get it back to normal... i think it resets the EMS when its removed as it trys to recalabrate the loss of the sensor readings.
Does this occur when the fuel is low? The reason I ask is that when my fuel is around quarter tank or lower I have to press the accelerator to get it to fire. I was advised by the more knowledgeable members that I likely have a weak in tank fuel pump. I try to keep the fuel above half tank.

You were absolutly spot on mate!

I put some fuel in today, gauge now showing at least 3/4 (Feeling flush ;)) and no problems starting, no accellerator required just starts on the key!

I run it on gas so the petrol hardly moves so i think ill just keep it above half for now rather than getting a new in tank pump!

Cheers dude :D

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