Hang on....JUNIOR MEMBER calling someone a childish prick..???Geddit?"Junior"?Then "member" ? Childish prick? Geddit????


...never mind....I'll get me coat....:eek::eek::eek:

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First the bloke is sposed to be old and boring...now hes childish..??Cant ****ing win can he?

like I says,play nice,now :D:D:D
You want what, help?-what ever made you expect to get that here?
Now I'm really jealous.I thought I was supposed to be the one with NO sense of humour. You really must not make up the rules as you go along.

Reliant Robin and Robin Reliant were one and the same car. However The Reliant Realto was only ever known as a wheelbarrow. Or maybe a skip if you could afford it.

Can you not get yourself a nice pair of Knockers so you really know what it's like to feel a right tit?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

ahh... trying to turn it round onto me now? im not the 'tard who abused a forum and then asked for help in the same sentence :eek:. as far as the tits go, my girlfriends a lingerie model, good enough for ya :rolleyes:. looks like he's jealous of my interlect, my car and my girl, tut tut tut!! :mooning:
ahh... trying to turn it round onto me now? im not the 'tard who abused a forum and then asked for help in the same sentence :eek:. as far as the tits go, my girlfriends a lingerie model, good enough for ya :rolleyes:. looks like he's jealous of my interlect, my car and my girl, tut tut tut!! :mooning:
you no the:rulez:no pics:nopics:it did nt happen not true:D
ahh... trying to turn it round onto me now? im not the 'tard who abused a forum and then asked for help in the same sentence :eek:. as far as the tits go, my girlfriends a lingerie model, good enough for ya :rolleyes:. looks like he's jealous of my interlect, my car and my girl, tut tut tut!! :mooning:

Hello Mark ; Can you yell me what is like to know that a million guys whaked off on you girls pictures?:eek:
well from my point of view on that question rather that, than them "whaking"or ****ing over her flesh.The girl has got wat it takes so hat of to her.john bit of a caveman statement in my opinion:scratching_chin:
ahh... trying to turn it round onto me now? im not the 'tard who abused a forum and then asked for help in the same sentence :eek:. as far as the tits go, my girlfriends a lingerie model, good enough for ya :rolleyes:. looks like he's jealous of my interlect, my car and my girl, tut tut tut!! :mooning:
Jealous of an idiot who can't spell ? INTERLECT???? Discomark aka SKIDMARK.
Lingerie model? So your girlfriend is a copy of Playboy?

If your life was as vast as your imagination you'd be moderately interesting.
Tell you what though.You get my prize for being to funiest fooker I have seen on here so fair.
Not as good as when i get to do it in the flesh! Im easy going n supportive of her 'talets' lol! Left myself open with that one i suppose lol!

Oh god this guy is hilarious. Talets??? What the **** are they? Must be where the staples go threw.

Supportive? Probably when her tits hit the floor and he can use one hand to play with both and stroke a pussy at the same time!!

Is your favourite song 'I have a (wet) dream 'By Abba??
this troll **** still going on, it's like a playground at a special school the lack of depth of some of the arguments.

For the obviously retarded, you'd be better whining to your social workers-their paid to give a ****.

The regulars have pointed out the facts

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