ahh... trying to turn it round onto me now? im not the 'tard who abused a forum and then asked for help in the same sentence :eek:. as far as the tits go, my girlfriends a lingerie model, good enough for ya :rolleyes:. looks like he's jealous of my interlect, my car and my girl, tut tut tut!! :mooning:

slight exaggeration there. You mean she models incontinent pants for the nhs. :D
Oh god this guy is hilarious. Talets??? What the **** are they? Must be where the staples go threw.

Supportive? Probably when her tits hit the floor and he can use one hand to play with both and stroke a pussy at the same time!!

Is your favourite song 'I have a (wet) dream 'By Abba??
dont bring much to party do ya brainache? More bone comments coming?
yeah you got me, its all b.s. Lol. :D be funny to be in such a situation though. Im bored of this too, gona get back to making friends and thanking people for help (and abuse lol). Sorry if i ****ed off anyone other than OP
Peace out
Well it's been a blast.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I sold my Land Rover which was always my intention anyway. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of one person you can all goe back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. Me I'm off. It was fun while it lasted and great to wind so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone was just pulling your chain. Adios!
Goonarmy..."bone"...thats a very squaddie word,dont hear that much ! You will be saying that someone is "bumping their gums" next,mate !:D:D:)
Well it's been a blast.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I sold my Land Rover which was always my intention anyway. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of one person you can all goe back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. Me I'm off. It was fun while it lasted and great to wind so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone was just pulling your chain. Adios!

Well it's been a blast.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I sold my Land Rover which was always my intention anyway. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of one person you can all goe back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. Me I'm off. It was fun while it lasted and great to wind so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone was just pulling your chain. Adios!

**** off then you rubber ****.
Told you he'd run away if you lot didnt play nice...and what happened?Spoiled a perfectly good thread.....and theres nothing on telly now....bugger


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