Goonarmy..."bone"...thats a very squaddie word,dont hear that much ! You will be saying that someone is "bumping their gums" next,mate !:D:D:)
Old habits....

Well it's been a blast.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I sold my Land Rover which was always my intention anyway. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of one person you can all goe back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. Me I'm off. It was fun while it lasted and great to wind so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone was just pulling your chain. Adios!
Cheerio chum:D
Oh well at least the whining little faggot has left, I hope he crashes into the back end of a cement mixer and get's buried alive

And if you are still here and reading this……… I hope I'm that cement mixer driver
Oh well at least the whining little faggot has left, I hope he crashes into the back end of a cement mixer and get's buried alive

And if you are still here and reading this……… I hope I'm that cement mixer driver

Do you often drive a cement mixer then?:D
there's me thinking of using lard

A friend of mine runs an early Disco on cooking oil. He gets regular 'donations' of used oil from a local chippy, the village Chinky, and the Yacht Club down the road.

He swears that the Disco performs better when using the Yacht Club stuff.


A friend of mine runs an early Disco on cooking oil. He gets regular 'donations' of used oil from a local chippy, the village Chinky, and the Yacht Club down the road.

He swears that the Disco performs better when using the Yacht Club stuff.



I believe that the Yacht Club stuff is superior thats why its very rarely on sail......
Well im a cock.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I wasnt going to sell my just bought Land Rover anyway but i got skanked and therefore have to. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things again as i clearly dont have a ****ing clue about them. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of mrnice you can all go back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. WHY WONT YOU ACCEPT ME! Me I'm off I cant handle it. It was fun while it lasted and I got a semi winding so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone wants to just pull your winky. Adios!

Translation: I bought a landrover recently and as I know nothing about cars I got ripped off, Thankfully I went on this forum and found out what the score was and as such I am now going to try to sell it on to somebody else who also knows nothing about cars. I couldnt handle the ripping I got for initially lashing out and find it really hard to take it on the chin and just get over it - mummy sais im over sensitive, Therefore ive decided to write this final post in an attempt to make you feel that ive got one over you all. I am superior. And my cock is huge. (and not at all action man like in the slightest) I thankyou. Mrwillyface.

PS I am pretending that this was always my intention ::rolleyes:
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