Well it's been a blast.Funny as **** how many of you reacted to it whilst also criticising it!
Truth to tell I sold my Land Rover which was always my intention anyway. I don't intend to ever buy enouther of the things. So I won't be in here again. With the exception of one person you can all goe back to your cliche' club and one upmanship. Me I'm off. It was fun while it lasted and great to wind so many of you up so bloody easily. You were oh so quick to jump onto the proverbal bandwagon yet failed collectively to see when someone was just pulling your chain. Adios!

What a saddo !.

What was the point of that then ?

Get a life you total dick.

( and I absolutely WOULD say that to your face ! ).

What a saddo !.

What was the point of that then ?

Get a life you total dick.

( and I absolutely WOULD say that to your face ! ).


That was a troll mate, trolls do it to get a reaction-Ignore them
Absolute ****er of a thread :D:D:D but more to be pitied than scolded :rolleyes: - fookin funny though :D- brightened my night up :hysterically_laughi

Cast - take a bow - :5bhurray::5bhurray:
But wheres the pay off Fangio ?.

At least vandals can see the glass smashing !, but this ?.


Trolls from my experience feed on negativity-it's funny when you street view their house, location,relatives etc-they go mental:D but accy doesn't like it:(
would this be the right place to put that there was also a RELIANT (company name) SCIMITAR (car name) which was nothing like the robin apart from it was **** and made of fiber-glass, i am also a ****er but only on wednesday but only when the wifes out and i can get on the pc so i might fit in on here, funny as **** but my mums says im not aloud to take the **** out of stupid people like sladebellend:crazy: whats his name please feel free to take the **** as i cant read anyway:D
would this be the right place to put that there was also a RELIANT (company name) SCIMITAR (car name) which was nothing like the robin apart from it was **** and made of fiber-glass, i am also a ****er but only on wednesday but only when the wifes out and i can get on the pc so i might fit in on here, funny as **** but my mums says im not aloud to take the **** out of stupid people like sladebellend:crazy: whats his name please feel free to take the **** as i cant read anyway:D

:cool: STURAT LITTLE :hysterically_laughi
Hey you lot, its not fair I missed this thread..... about time i had some fun looks like i misssed it all..........
Yeh Sometimes If you replace the thermo this is what switches the fan on and off you will find the wires possibly joined down rhs or lhs of radiator and this should solve your problem be sure to reattach the termo to the radiator as it requires the radiator temp to operate.
Yeh Sometimes If you replace the thermo this is what switches the fan on and off you will find the wires possibly joined down rhs or lhs of radiator and this should solve your problem be sure to reattach the termo to the radiator as it requires the radiator temp to operate.

Ya thick fooker. The troll who started this thread has fooked off:rolleyes:
Yeh Sometimes If you replace the thermo this is what switches the fan on and off you will find the wires possibly joined down rhs or lhs of radiator and this should solve your problem be sure to reattach the termo to the radiator as it requires the radiator temp to operate.



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