In Germany most Landy owners are up their own arses and don't wave but I also ride a motorcycle and we do nod or wave.
We don't really do waving over here, but there is a P38 I meet now and again and the guy waves manically at me, always wave back, glad to, hey we both make an effort to keep these things going.

Once a jacked up Discovery, on a huge lift and off road wheels gave a big wave, he thought I was a kindred spirit, when in actual fact the air sus had gone nuts, and jacked itself up into snagged on something height, and jammed there:p
I will wave at a family in a vintage defender, I will not wave a some farmer guy going about his business, if its a new Landy you don't get a wave
I just grin inanely.......they just put the foot to the floor to speed past even more quickly.......can't blame them.......;)

A lot of drivers on the road these days NEED to have their hands on the steering wheel at ALL times. Encouraging them to wave could invite disaster. :D:D
I wave sometimes but only if they wave at me first,haha,sound like a child! But its only usually defender and series landys! I did have an odd one the other day when driving my dads p38, i got a wave from a forward control! Odd! But yea most are moody old barstools! Its all part of old landtover heritage and spirit! Lol : D
A lot of drivers on the road these days NEED to have their hands on the steering wheel at ALL times. Encouraging them to wave could invite disaster. :D:D
Ha, used to have a Classic that needed two hands at all times, it used to wander and wallow until I uprated the suspension.:)
I do, but only if it's an old, used fender or a d1/2 that's been adapted. Generally find round here D3/4 and new fender owners are suits who buy a badge, not a vehicle.
Ha, used to have a Classic that needed two hands at all times, it used to wander and wallow until I uprated the suspension.:)
Drove a real tratter once, a Massey Ferg, the one where the whole side was a door, it had three quarters of a turn free play, a real fookin handful it was, think farmer parked it in an old barn that 'accidentally' combusted, he got a spankin new one after that and a new
One of my neighbours has a Defender & reckons to get waves but in the ownership of four RRC's I can't say I've noticed.
Deffo wave at other defenders but tend to ignore most others, give the odd wave to a few local discos that are off road prepared 😊
finally got my lovely p38 running properly and using it at any opportunity, when ever i pass another landy i give a little wave(the wife hides her face, but the kids think its a right laugh that dad has lost the plot!) trouble is nobody's waving back, miserable sod's, so do you wave if you see another landy?:p:p:p:p

Having read the other contributions I suggest that we devise our own Landyzone salute and keep it secret....have a competition for the salute.
( We had one in a gun club I was in : one hand over the eye while pointing told those in the know that somebody was a ****er....)

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