Often get a wave here but I suspect they're trying to work out who it is!
Having read the other contributions I suggest that we devise our own Landyzone salute and keep it secret....have a competition for the salute.
( We had one in a gun club I was in : one hand over the eye while pointing told those in the know that somebody was a ****er....)
Gun club ! what did you point at the ****er?
Having read the other contributions I suggest that we devise our own Landyzone salute and keep it secret....have a competition for the salute.
( We had one in a gun club I was in : one hand over the eye while pointing told those in the know that somebody was a ****er....)
've got an Idea... what about a one handed air milking gesture....?:eek:
Well I have a P38 and wave other RRR members. I have stopped for Series broken down and given assistance. I see the P38 owners as the survivors club and the future holds more fun than other marks. I intend to keep it going and wave at other P38s, more and more they are being bought by the unexpected and without knowledge of the known problems. (P38,To Err is Human, to completely screw things up needs a computer).
Having gravitated (upgraded?) from a Ser IIA to a P38 last Autumn, I miss the wave. Got very excited when a red Defender unexpectedly waved yesterday. Only managed a nod, I was so shocked - hope he saw!

No obvious toys on my P38 just a nice well-maintained example (being hooned about in the biblically pouring rain yesterday).

Very exciting. Are P38s coming of age perhaps? Hardly see any on the roads around here now. Mostly L322s and D3/D4s.

Must start waving back.
I have been tempted to wave, you get the odd nod, but haven't started waving as if drowning at the wheel, though that might be a good idea!


Maybe I'll try something subtle too and see how it goes. Still trying to gauge just how hated Rangie drivers really are (outside this forum of course...).

In my corner of the world where blinged up L322 and RRSports rule, the usual reaction is one of sympathy and a downward assessment of ones financial prospects and general desirability - perfect result :p

A coolly raised finger might be the way.

Maybe I'll try something subtle too and see how it goes. Still trying to gauge just how hated Rangie drivers really are (outside this forum of course...).

In my corner of the world where blinged up L322 and RRSports rule, the usual reaction is one of sympathy and a downward assessment of ones financial prospects and general desirability - perfect result :p

A coolly raised finger might be the way.

Or a waved wallet , a la Harry Enfield :)
Well, I wave at my mate in my p38. He still waves at me!

I did get some waves from p38' s.

Nobody waves in the L322..but I wave at p38's..

Sad man..
Same here, a nod or a raised hand off the wheel is often the case with fellow P38 drivers around here. Nothing from L322's
As an aside, just spent the weekend driving around central London, flippin heck! How many L405's are there - practically everywhere. It'll be a fair few years until they get old & migrate up north!
Same here, a nod or a raised hand off the wheel is often the case with fellow P38 drivers around here. Nothing from L322's
As an aside, just spent the weekend driving around central London, flippin heck! How many L405's are there - practically everywhere. It'll be a fair few years until they get old & migrate up north!

Nouveau riche...the L322 owners are....;).......nouveau tres riche are the L405 owners!


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