
Active Member
finally got my lovely p38 running properly and using it at any opportunity, when ever i pass another landy i give a little wave(the wife hides her face, but the kids think its a right laugh that dad has lost the plot!) trouble is nobody's waving back, miserable sod's, so do you wave if you see another landy?:p:p:p:p
I wave / flash other P38s but have got to be careful. Sometimes I forget and do it whilst driving one of the works vans and get even stranger looks than usual.
I give other Landy drivers the "bird" just so I get a response:D
Better than waving and being ignored:D
I moon :eek:

I don't wave but I always look for a Landyzone sticker. I've just ordered mine so I expect everybody to Moon back to me now.
p38s haven't reached that age yet. I always got a reply in my classic days, moving to the p38 never got one but still did just to make the wife cringe.
I waved when I had mine on the road, only ever to other p38s, only got one startled response probably because he thought it was someone that knew him as opposed to because we had the same car.
Hand gestures are reserved for Audi and BMW pilots. :violent:
The one that rhymes with Bankers is favourite ;)
finally got my lovely p38 running properly and using it at any opportunity, when ever i pass another landy i give a little wave(the wife hides her face, but the kids think its a right laugh that dad has lost the plot!) trouble is nobody's waving back, miserable sod's, so do you wave if you see another landy?:p:p:p:p
They probably think you play for the other side and should be driving a Gaylander:D:D
I pretend I haven't noticed if someone waves at me in anything other than a defender :p
I usually look to see if the driver is waving to me - ready to return the gesture but to date no-one has waved :(

I did see one sitting at the lights at Markyate on the A5 yesterday evening and as I passed I looked across but the windows on his were so dark (tinted) I couldn't see if they were waving or not - so apologies if you are reading this and you were :)

I moon :eek:

I don't wave but I always look for a Landyzone sticker. I've just ordered mine so I expect everybody to Moon back to me now.
So you are the one eyed driver around Southhampton. When you passed me I thought you had muck in your eye, get it wiped:D:D
Way way back in time, ( C. 1963) NSU gave us the RO80, it was a highly modern car for its time, much like an Audi, who coincedentally bought them out....

i digress, the RO80 had a rotary engine, a twin rotor 1100cc(Nominal) producing 80 hp, hence RO (rotary) 80 ( 80hp), brilliant eh?. anyway, the engine was too advanced for its time and the technology to produce reliable rotor sealing tips just wasn't advanced enough, they soon wore out in as little as 10k miles, and the point of this ramblings is that RO80 owners when passing another RO80 owner, would hold up a certain amount of fingers to denote how many engines they'd had replaced under warranty,,, the warranty claims bankrupted the the company, and Audi bought them, who quite soon after gave us the Audi 80, i believe one RO80 owner had 5 engines replaced under warranty, but the norm was 2 or three.
In todays less polite world, i wonder which way round the 'one' or 'two' fingers would be displayed??? LOL

P.s . Some RO80's live on with more modern Mazda Rotary engines in them, also possible to find Ford V4's in them, popular period conversion....
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