Do you regret buying a Freelander?

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7 months old ffs! how low are your expectations?? a paper bag will last that long. :rolleyes::D

Now, let me explain :p ...


That's 7 months AND 22,000 miles and all it's needed is diesel and (when it's very lucky) a wash. It should complete 100,000 before its warranty expires in only another 29 months
I should regret it but don't :D

If I'd not found this place I probably would regret allowing the wife to get one, but with the support on here I'm pretty happy that we'll have a long and happy relationship (me and the FL that is) and might even replace my Rover 75 with one in a year or two when, if, it dies of old age :)

Ours has done about 75k miles and was bought very cheap with drive train, it's now got a recon VCU, bearings, propshafts and is in need of diff mounts and tyres, we'll still be quids in when I've finised that lot.

Thank you Landy Zone Freelander owners :)
Love mine to bits 1.8 3 door Breamar though could have had bluetooth and satnav but as a 51 plate I guess that it is too old for such fancy gadgetry.
Just bought a 2009 Freelander 2 TD4 HSE after a succession of petrol Range Rovers, which I loved.


So far no regrets.

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Love mine on a Monday hate it on a Tuesday.
I live in dred of some thing going wrong but hey it's a freelander.
Would I ger rid of it no never some how I am mentally attached to the sodding thing
My next car will be a defender but will keep the freelander also I had planned for the defender at the end of this year but alas the wife has just been laid off work and my MS is getting worse which sucks work are getting the hump with me but tough titty to them.
Any way time to see if the old girl is working to day lol
Our auto box started to slip last summer and has been sat in our mechanic's garage ever since. Trying to locate an affordable replacement auto box for a 2.5 KV6 has proven impossible here in Spain. :(

The electric sunroof is knackered, the o/s and n/s rear window regulators are gone and the exhaust is blowing, so the initial love affair wore off a little.

I really like the car, but...shame it wasn't built with longevity and reliability in kind. Wishful thinking eh?!
Well just got mine, swopped it for a BMW 523i when I got it, it had a engine knock which turned out to be no2 big end bearing had disintegrated, which I replaced last week but unfortunately the crank is out of round, luckily I have got a replacement engine for £200.00 which I will be fitting this weekend, apart from that I am quite happy with it so far, as it does everything we need when tending to our horse
Wheres the "yes" and "i did"


Slitties rule :D

A very comfortable car , nice to drive, but under the bonnet utter crap, blows smoke, won't start, exhaust blocked up, no power, excessive fuel consumption, unreliable, and this is a diesel.
Would never buy another Land Rover.
A very comfortable car , nice to drive, but under the bonnet utter crap, blows smoke, won't start, exhaust blocked up, no power, excessive fuel consumption, unreliable, and this is a diesel.
Would never buy another Land Rover.
Its 2005 with 165,000 KM's on the clock.
The best I could say for it, is that it is a work in progress.
It is good for towing if its on the road.
The idea of a motor vechicle is you put fuel in it and service it regularly, and then you drive it where ever you want to go, this is a concept that Land Rover don't seem to have grasped yet.
There are some good points, however I am sure Land Rover will get rid of those in the next model.
Most car manufacturers strive to continually improve their cars, Land rover don't seem to even try, I can't believe that after manufacturing cars for so many years they can have so many design faults, they are just too complicaited, KISS.
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A very comfortable car , nice to drive, but under the bonnet utter crap, blows smoke, won't start, exhaust blocked up, no power, excessive fuel consumption, unreliable, and this is a diesel.
Would never buy another Land Rover.

Which Freelander are you referring to? Kind of hard to draw any useful conclusions here, without knowing if it's a 1997 Freelander 1 with 250,000 miles and a botched service history, or a 2012 TD4 that hasn't reached its first service yet.
Our auto box started to slip last summer and has been sat in our mechanic's garage ever since. Trying to locate an affordable replacement auto box for a 2.5 KV6 has proven impossible here in Spain. :(

The electric sunroof is knackered, the o/s and n/s rear window regulators are gone and the exhaust is blowing, so the initial love affair wore off a little.

I really like the car, but...shame it wasn't built with longevity and reliability in kind. Wishful thinking eh?!
Good job it wasn't English Mobile Mechanics in Marbella or Jock would have crushed it by now :)
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Had my Serengeti petrol 02 plate since 2010 and its nothing but trouble thing after another.
It a great looking car but an absolute nightmare
An of course I love spending 100s every time to get it repaired NOT:mad:
Would I have another hell no!
Had a frontera and that was just as crappy!
So far the Landy has cost more than its worth inc the dreaded Head Gasket senario ( which I was ripped off to the tune of 900 quid)
Now it has immobiliser problems!!!
A very comfortable car , nice to drive, but under the bonnet utter crap, blows smoke, won't start, exhaust blocked up, no power, excessive fuel consumption, unreliable, and this is a diesel.
Would never buy another Land Rover.

You should know you drive a BMW with only the body of LR on it.;)

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