
New Member
well new Dizzy came yesterday, so emptied the system yesterday as im going to fit the new thermostat aswel today seen as its behind the distributor. Just hope that it will fire up:) and i will have HEAT lol, if not then am clueless as to whats wrong.

another question though is since having it ive had no heat which is why im replacing the stat to see if thats the prob b4 i look into other things it may be. but the car has always sufferd with condesation more on the drivers window its never clear and i have to wipe it every 2 mins to see out of it the rest i wipe it and it seems to stay clear, is there anything i can do or buy to rectify this as i carnt cope having to wipe it all the time when im driving over 100mile up the motorway its driving me insane.
Have you checked for wet carpets? That much condensation suggests you have got water in the car. Putting the air con on even if you want heat should get rid of condensation. Good luck.
i had a bit of damp in the boot but it was when it was heavey snow and i found that the door had not been closed properly so had leaked in but it was condesating before hand :( Thermostat was Stuck open so maybe run some heat in there mite sort it, i dont know how long it ran for with no heat ive only had it since dec and its had non while ive owned it. Thanks

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