I thought about tube also, think ill give it ago with it warmed up also. Cheers guys
Just broke my 1st one :doh: got'a wait for a new one now!
Jesus it seems to be a pig, not looking forward to doing mine.

Must say the quality of the finish is dodgy - whos the idiots though, Britpart for making teh ****e or suppliers to us for stocking them???? Mate had the same issue, paid for quality stuff only to be sent BP rubbish.

should complain to the suppliers then we might get fed some descent quality parts.

Well after my 66H week I got a min to have another bash at fitting the clutch slave push rod clip.. had a bit of copper pipe in ma tool box which is a lil shorter than the push rod..Perfect!
Bit of a faf, 30min later and tadda! Its in!
Started doing up the bolts and bits only to find the pipe hole is to big!?!?
So, where do I go from here!? get another salve and hope its the same, get a new pipe or a new length from MC to CC from llama4x4?
Is there a way to tell what format it will be in before ordering?
its the same make and looks the same as the one I removed!
So, where do I go from here!? get another salve and hope its the same, get a new pipe or a new length from MC to CC from llama4x4?
Is there a way to tell what format it will be in before ordering?
its the same make and looks the same as the one I removed!

You could get an adapter
oh, didn't think there is enough space for the treads for an adaptor, but sounds like a brilliant solution!
Thanks :D
What size would they be?
Research seems to suggest lr used 3/8 (9.5mm ish) and m10 but it seemed like more of a difference that 0.5mm?

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