Are you sick of Disco owners being abusive towards our freelanders

  • Yes, they are a bunch of dickhead disco owners

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • No, I realise they are probably retarded, its not their fault

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • I just dont give a damn!

    Votes: 39 50.6%

  • Total voters
Um. . . . . . . .you missunderstand , i gulp , like the tratter boys, and besides the **** taking they have a lot of know how and will help you out , so i int gunna slag em on this fred. . . . . .thur i said it

pssssst. You could always tell em that porky or Mrs Ming saidid it and not you.;):D
Its banter for me and nothing more. Im the same in real life aswell. Doesnt matter if the guy had 100posts or 40,000 if he was broken down I would help as best I could all the same.....take the **** first obiously:rolleyes::p

Well of course i understand that but bloody hell bit uno :eek: especially for some that dont know you lot are vultures on the living never mind the dead :p !

Like this?:confused::p

Lol..i just foolishly opened this thread at work....i have some explaining to do to my female colleagues..
I hope you have all enjoyed this thread, wasnt meant in a major serious way, just some light hearted **** taking to provide and entertaining thread for the evening, that said, my freelander looks cooler than a disco. major.

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