So that's a new fuel pump I take it. Or is there any way I can do anything with it
it. Just really odd why It's started after I changed the fuel filter and clutch!!!!!! It runs perfectly under 2200 and after 3000. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.
So that's a new fuel pump I take it. Or is there any way I can do anything with it
it. Just really odd why It's started after I changed the fuel filter and clutch!!!!!! It runs perfectly under 2200 and after 3000. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Get some proper diagnostics on it. Possibly a bad bit of track on the feedback pot. But the car shutting down from around 3000 RPM is pretty unusual.
Could be number four injector playing up. But only thing that will cause engine to be shut down is fail of quantity feedback pot.

Yeah but I think that fuel quantity can be pushed out of range by bad sensors. Once modulation out of range it'll cut out. Worth checking the lift pump if he hasn't already. Might be more than 1 thing.
Yeah but I think that fuel quantity can be pushed out of range by bad sensors. Once modulation out of range it'll cut out. Worth checking the lift pump if he hasn't already. Might be more than 1 thing.

The only thing that controls fuel quantity to that degree is the quantity servo. The ECU knows where it should be for power request RPM at any particular time. If the feedback says it is somewhere different than the ECU thinks it should be or communication is lost with the feedback pot telling the ECU that info the engine will shut down to avoid a runaway.
Just had a thought. He said: "why since changing the fuel filter?"

If new type of in-tank lift pump then maybe air got in the system when the filter was changed. Perhaps a 1 way valve might help flush that air out?
Guys I've changed the number 4 injector to no avail. I've got a horrible thought I've damaged one of the lugs on the flywheel when I had it off. As Ive just bad the crankshaft pos sensor out and it's bust.the nose off of it. When I rum it unplugged.I don't get.the misfire
Guys I've changed the number 4 injector to no avail. I've got a horrible thought I've damaged one of the lugs on the flywheel when I had it off. As Ive just bad the crankshaft pos sensor out and it's bust.the nose off of it. When I rum it unplugged.I don't get.the misfire

How did you change the CPS when you did it? Not by removing the bracket i hope.
No the 5mm Allen key

If the CPS is damaged it has contacted one of the position pins. That usually only happens if someone has moved the bracket. A special tool is used to set bracket in correct place in relation to the pins. Can't see how you could damage a pin doing the clutch but stranger things have happened i suppose.
Just put a borescope in the hole for the cps. And can see all of the little round lugs apart from a mark where one once was :'(.......... I guess it's gearbox out time again. Don't have any idea If this means new flywheel or Not?
Just put a borescope in the hole for the cps. And can see all of the little round lugs apart from a mark where one once was :'(.......... I guess it's gearbox out time again. Don't have any idea If this means new flywheel or Not?

Don't know to be honest you will have to see what you have when you get it out.
If you take the plastic lug out for the timing pin hole and shine a torch you can see the teeth on the flywheel going round if you turn it over by hand. A 2' breaker bar is long enough to pull while looking in the hole.
Right guys I've fixed it tonight!!!!!!! Call me a bodger if you like but time and money are on my mind when it comes to replacing the flywheel. I removed the cps and measured the height of an intact lug using a vernier gauge. So knowing the size of the lug I set about welding a small tack onto.the flywheel in position of the broken lug. I then used a die grinder the file it back untill the same height as the others. I refitted the cps and hey presto she runs perfectly. This will keep me going untill I have the time to do it correctly. Thanks for all your advice guys much appreciated
Right guys I've fixed it tonight!!!!!!! Call me a bodger if you like but time and money are on my mind when it comes to replacing the flywheel. I removed the cps and measured the height of an intact lug using a vernier gauge. So knowing the size of the lug I set about welding a small tack onto.the flywheel in position of the broken lug. I then used a die grinder the file it back untill the same height as the others. I refitted the cps and hey presto she runs perfectly. This will keep me going untill I have the time to do it correctly. Thanks for all your advice guys much appreciated

The word is bodger but in this case well bodged. :D:D

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