
Active Member
Just as it says does anyone fancy it next sun? I couldnt make this sun or last night so was wandering if anyone wanted to go next sun? Hopfully get some takers and someone whos done the lanes before and whos willing to lead for us :D
I think one_stop wanted to go on the 5th so thats 2 of us up to now:bounce:
If anyone is interested can we start a list
1. Pocket rocket
2. saxokid
3. Mr noisy
4. Disco mark
5. One-stop
6. Storm99 ??

1. Akitadefender ??

Both me and disco mark have lots of lane info, we're going to have a chat this week about some material of you're looking for someone to take the reigns.

cheers :)
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Both me and disco mark have lots of lane info, we're going to have a chat this week about some material of you're looking for someone to take the reigns.

cheers :)
yeh sounds ok, im easy, just wanted to get the ball rolling! ive not done many of the lanes but if you point me at em i dont mind goin first :lol: id rather follow somone else whoes done em before so i know what to aim for!
No worries dude well I've got me laptop which has probably the majority of peaks on it now, so usually the way I would work it is either plan a route beforehand and set the start point, or decide on a start point and then drive from there!

Either way ive got a few lanes from last night that I'm going to process and mark up tomorrow night, you can pm me if you wana have a secret chat about it :D :D

Oh and another thing, call me mad or too keen but it's much my preference to start laning early, meet at 8am, crack on, stop for brekko between 11 and 12 to get a good fill and then lane til about 4pm, that seems to work out right for most people.

Late start times are no good!
yeh sounds ok, im easy, just wanted to get the ball rolling! ive not done many of the lanes but if you point me at em i dont mind goin first :lol: id rather follow somone else whoes done em before so i know what to aim for!

point him at holinsclough lol.:)
1. Pocket rocket
2. saxokid
3. Mr noisy
4. Discomark
5. One-stop
6. Akitadefender

1. storm99 maybe ???
2. 1spin maybe ???
I'm almost certainly in, might have 2 tarts with me so if anyone wants a 21 year old as ballast...just ask..hehe..

I dont know area and have standard disco now ( Dagnabbit) so i'd rather not lead...oh and my cb is stuck on channel 3..

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