Do I get a Defender or Discovery?

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Haha Tigger, why d'ya think that is???


90 all the way!
Where'd all these feckers wiv disco's come from? Duplicate accounts is not allowed.:eek:
av got a defender 90 they arnt tht bad on road my 1 has been chiped and does 70 80 mph no problem on the motorway a take it to biling every year and its about 4 and a half hours from where a live with the rite mods they wil go anywhere
Discovery a better vehicle thats all.:D


now now, let's not give discovery owners a bad name... everyone has a favourite landy and the lads and lasses prefer the defender.. and who can blame them.. defenders are great toys...

discovery's on the other hand are comfy off and on road motors that can carry out a variety of tasks as well as their equivalent single purpose cousins...

;) ;):p :D
now now, let's not give discovery owners a bad name... everyone has a favourite landy and the lads and lasses prefer the defender.. and who can blame them.. defenders are great toys...

discovery's on the other hand are comfy off and on road motors that can carry out a variety of tasks as well as their equivalent single purpose cousins...

;) ;):p :D

I'm gonna leave the rocks where they are next time yer behind me.;) :D
I'm gonna leave the rocks where they are next time yer behind me.;) :D

just cos I took a really capable motor and hung a couple of small bombs underneath it doesn't make the original car any less capable.. anyway.. I've got a plan....
I've had both a Disco 200tdi and a Defender 300 tdi, every month i undertake a 350mile round trip mostly motorway which the disco used to undertake with ease unfortunatley it was written off and i had always wanted a defender, i was worried about the arduous motorway journeys when i bought it, but so far ive been plesently surprised, its obviously not as good on road as the disco was but it still cruises eaisily at 70 - 75mph returning 30mpg, for what i use it for off road both vehicles have coped with ease although the defender does feel slightly more rugged. I suppose it all comes down to personal preference, if you get one make sure you test drive it forst lol just been reading your freelander post!
when i was on the look out for a landy 200tdi defender i could'nt get one for love or money, but i could have had hundreds of discos but i stuck in there and made the right decision, defender all the way
when i was on the look out for a landy 200tdi defender i could'nt get one for love or money, but i could have had hundreds of discos but i stuck in there and made the right decision, defender all the way

me too. I wanted a 300tdi 110 csw. They seemed to just vanish off the planet. I ended up with a TD5 but never mind. The price was right and thats what counts.
I bought a Discovery originally to pull the caravan as I thought using the old Range Rover would be too expensive, I bought a 1991 200 TDI and then sometime later the 300 kept the 300 for about 4 years till things started going wrong, that went in August for the Rover 75, not what I really wanted in the end so I'm back with the Discovery now with a 4.0 ES 99 plate, drove Defenders' in work but I do like the Discoverys'

I bought a Discovery originally to pull the caravan as I thought using the old Range Rover would be too expensive, I bought a 1991 200 TDI and then sometime later the 300 kept the 300 for about 4 years till things started going wrong, that went in August for the Rover 75, not what I really wanted in the end so I'm back with the Discovery now with a 4.0 ES 99 plate, drove Defenders' in work but I do like the Discoverys'

How lucky are you getting paid to drive a Deepender, jelous or what;)
Stop being jealous I only drive a Scania 113 now, Land Rover Defender is just a distant memory now.:( :(

hmm. . well, as i dont do that much motorway driving and really do luv the def, i think thats gonna have to be my decision. . . . will test drive both before though but as my memory goes i enjoyed the def more, much more fun, plus, people move outta ya way!! ;)
Theres nothing wrong with a defender on long journeys at all!

You won't need to mod it as heavily as a disco to do the same off road. They handle fine on road if you are sensible (ish) (defenders this is) and they are quite happy at doing whatever is needed of them, not like their limited use cousins :D
not that much in it really is there?
the disco is good on and off road, and very comfy with loads of space, would easily do 70mph on the motor way,

the defender is good off road but not great at speeds an would probly shake ya fillings out above 70mph.

well thats what everyone i speak to who has one says anyway:rolleyes:

but i still want a 90:D

must have been a fookin old 1 you had a go in had my 90 up to 95 yesterday (on a private road of course) and would defy you to find much differance from a disco for comfort
Had 110's disco and now a 90 also been ferried round in both and to be honest ability wise there really int much difference unless you're into extreme mud plugging. std disco will go anywhere a std 90 will and some places a std 110 won't go. If you're gonna be carrying the kids in it Then I'd say Disco all the way.
discos i find are a lot more comfy thatn defenders on and off roadand standard disco against standard defender no real difference off road discos do rot a bit tho but because they do the repair bit are cheap im now on my second disco and unless i wanted a pure and simple off road toy im stickin with discos. my mates 110 is just horrible to be a passenger in, no leg room, seats that i can only liken to the comfort level of school chairs, and also the fact that landrover seemed to forget that people have right arms that move when driving.if you want a civilised truck that will do the job off road - disco all the way, if you want to have the pure off road felling then defender it is.
my right arm is fine?? Even with the window shut. You learn to sit slightly sideways... :D which makes it really odd getting into the passenger side of a LR, cos you sit the wrong way and its all weird... :)

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