Kerching! The pikeys have been doing it for decades and the military a tad longer. Welcome to the alternative world of home brew fuel. Much more satisfying and cost effective than home brew beer.
Tried my td5 disco on engine oil! Injector seals went after two weeks:( roughly 30% oil to diesel. It's a high mileage one and the seals were rock hard? Runs fine on it, bit quieter.
Should I be expecting another failure from it or does it not normally cause issues?
Bloody women drivers!!! She only filled it with diesel, left no room for me to top it up, says she got a lot of miles to cover this week:screaming_bug_eye_f
If you are only getting 15mpg or so on cooking oil, at £1 a litre roughly, how does it work out cheaper than diesel giving you 25mpg at £1.30 odd a litre.

The only way i see it working is if you get free oil which then has to be filtered n transferred from container to container etc that unless done on a big scale isnt worth the inital equipment outlay nor the time required.
I get the same mileage no matter what I'm running on. About 25mpg on average.
Free oil costs me nothing at the moment.
Transportation containers are 25 litre plastic detergent drums because they are easy to handle and free from most car washes etc. if you ask.
Storage is 200 litre steel oil drums. £5 from my local scrap yard.
Filtering is done at time of use so takes no more time than going to the petrol station and queing etc. I had a constant grin when driving past all them poor peeps queing for fuel and panic buying during the non-strike of the tanker drivers :)
Initial cost of filtering equipment was paid back after second tank of fuel.
Diesel is only going to get dearer it costs £1.40/ltr where I live.
I'm not mean but I dont like to waste my hard earned.
My total setup cost around £70 inc spare filters, fuel at £1.34 around here, break even at 53 ltrs. Ok it does take me longer to fill up and its a little inconvient at times but i'm saving enough to pay for christmas lol
It takes me about 20 minutes to fill my tank from 1/4 full. I filter as I fill with my setup. Just enough time to have a cuppa while I wait for the tank to fill. It can take me longer to drive to the petrol station and queue up to fill with diesel. I'm in no rush.
I filter mine as i get it and store it in 25ltr containers then pour it in. I need to buy a cheap pump to make it that little bit easier:D
Hey Mr Shifty, last lot of oil i got, i mixed in some petrol and then rough filtered it through lanscape membrane BUT its left a creamy residue, am i right in thinking its contaminted? or could it be i've mixed to much petrol in with it? Thanks
Thats more than likely water in the oil or the petrol or the filter membrane. You should get no creamy residues no matter how much petrol you use. I dont take any oil thats water contaminated because its a ball ache to separate.
I'd like to think he's given me this by mistake, he normally keeps the contaminated stuff seperate. On the other hand i could go back and pour it over his forecourt lol. I wouldn't do that he's a decent enough bloke. I'd started to rought filter it into a container with 10 ltrs of good oil in tho:(. So that has been quite costly.
Is there an easy way to check if its got water in?
Put it in a transparent jerry can/container leave it to settle and the water will go to the bottom ! Then syphon the oil off the top.
Put it in a transparent jerry can/container leave it to settle and the water will go to the bottom ! Then syphon the oil off the top.

Trouble with transparent containers is when you fill em with old engine oil they is no longer (and never will again) transparent lol

How about fitting a pipe with a tap on to the container screw on cap, fill it with the oily water, turn it upside down, let it settle then drain the water off, i'll know when the water is gone as the oil will be draining.

Is this likely to work?????
That will work but you need to let it sit for a good long while. I'm taliking weeks not days. I let mine sit for a few months so that a lot of the sludge settles out before filtering. It makes the filters last longer.
I'm finding it difficult to get uncontaminated oil, all the garages spoken to pour everything into a 1000ltr container which they pay to have emptied, they've all said help yourself if you want some but of course its got water, gear oil and hydraulic oils in.
If i let it settle for long enough drain off whatever is at the bottom will there be a good chance of the rest being usuable if well filtered?

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