Starting it without touching the gas makes a assive diff to the smoking, now on a 50/50 mix, seems fine on it, bit more smoke than normal but that seems to die off after a mile. Equivalent to 50 mpg, luv it !!!!
Ok guys? I want to mix some more oil to use, its bordering around 0 deg, is there anything i can thin it down with to ease its way through the filters? Would mixing it 50/50 with dersel work?

I tried it 50/50 in the freelander but lost a huge amount of power, i thinned it out with diesel in the tank and the power came back so no harm done, i need to experiment with the mix to get the balance/power right. No prob with lack of power in the 200tdi 90 cause it don't have any power anyway LOL, Would some sort of heater on the fuel line make any difference to the mix/power in the freelander?

Any ideas welcome EXCEPT to burn the gaylander :D:D
I use a 75/25 mix diesel/oil in this colder weather as it keeps the smoke down when the engine is cold. Normally I run at 50/50 mix after filtering.
I know of one fella that heats the old oil with an old immersion heater before filtering but I'm not sure I like that idea. Heating the oil before filtering will make it flow easier but the whole idea is to save money and not spend on electricity warming the oil. I thin the oil with 10% petrol then filter then add to tank in whatever mix with diesel I need. No problems after nearly three years and even passed the last MOT on 50/50 mix.
Not good heating before filtering as you melt all the fatty ****e that then goes through the filter that you wanted to filter out in the first place!
I use a 75/25 mix diesel/oil in this colder weather as it keeps the smoke down when the engine is cold. Normally I run at 50/50 mix after filtering.
I know of one fella that heats the old oil with an old immersion heater before filtering but I'm not sure I like that idea. Heating the oil before filtering will make it flow easier but the whole idea is to save money and not spend on electricity warming the oil. I thin the oil with 10% petrol then filter then add to tank in whatever mix with diesel I need. No problems after nearly three years and even passed the last MOT on 50/50 mix.

You use old/stale petrol tho, fresh petrol ok to use at 10%? Iwas thinking of some kind of heater on the car's fuel line, see if that would help the power?
Fresh petrol costs money. Stale or contaminated petrol comes free from my local garage when they syphon it out of misfuelled cars and trucks. If they dont give it to me they have to pay to get rid.

If you heat petrol it can vapour lock as it is much more volatile than diesel. The TD5 returns hot fuel to the tank and on a long run the contents of the fuel tank can become quite hot without any additional heating.
In the middle of a house renovation if all goes well and it sells at the right price i will swap the TD4 for a disco TD5, might even fit it up for off road we we get a really good price for the house:D:D
I've given up using oil in the freelander, it loses so much power even o 20% mix . Does the td 5 have any loss of power? Thinking of the disco if it is likely to make any difference.
If your running engine oil in a derv you may aswel run red derv, hmrc will **** u bone dry up the arse either way!
If your running engine oil in a derv you may aswel run red derv, hmrc will **** u bone dry up the arse either way!
Bollix. My motor was dipped with 50/50 mix and I told them I'd just done an engine oil change and rather than tip it down the drain I'd tipped it into my fuel tank. No chemical traces or red, parafin, white spirit etc. so I was on my way within 10 minutes. That was last September.
Bollix. My motor was dipped with 50/50 mix and I told them I'd just done an engine oil change and rather than tip it down the drain I'd tipped it into my fuel tank. No chemical traces or red, parafin, white spirit etc. so I was on my way within 10 minutes. That was last September.

Cops or hmrc?

Cops would probably **** u off but hmrc will most likely do you! You get caught with red there's no excuse and it can be seen in the bottle, you more than likely cough it and get the fine. get caught with engine oil in and they have to prove what it is and analyse it, costs time money and red tape.

It's untaxed fuel, there is an exemption for veg oil, not for engine oil!
They had a van with all sorts of scientific gubbins in it. Took a sample and put it in their machine. Even let me watch what was going on. It did a print out and the bloke came back and asked me why the sample was black. Told him the above and that was that. Was in the car park of a builders yard and they had several pikey trucks already wheel clamped so I'm assuming they were using red. No cops in sight so must have been revenue.
normally vosa doing tests near me, police pull them into lay by then dip tanks and check tyres and docs are correct
When the freelander was being towed home.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
long wait till laughter subsides...................................I was chatting to the recovery guy, he's recovered quite a few where police have been involved and recons their only concern about engine oil in the fuel tank is that it may be there to try and disguise red diesel, in which case its tested but police not generally interested
Especially not used engine oil, which will be full of metallic particles and will probably f@@k up your injection system especially common rail, which can be fussy and bloody expensive to replace. IMHO.

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