Seals ordered from Wych Bearings. 25407-R23. That's the more expensive version with wiper lip integrated into the seal. Cost: £3.30 each for nitrile rubber which doesn't sound bad. Bought 2, just in case. Always worth having 1 in the shed ...
No doubt a safe will come with the new kitchen gadgetry, to go along with the Bluetooth air fryer and Siri controlled microwave :D
No doubt a safe will come with the new kitchen gadgetry, to go along with the Bluetooth air fryer and Siri controlled microwave :D
There will be nothing to put in the safe by the time she's finished,she wants the trussed roof removed and a vaulted one to replace it and an extra patio door.:rolleyes::)
Who has she been talking to? how does she know difference between a truss and a vaulted roof! :D
Must be one of them really pretty high maintenance ones...:rolleyes: she haven’t long had new spill pipes :p:D:D:D

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