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Lord Hippo
As Christmas is approaching I thought it would be good to help out our fellow Land Rover owners. Winter is a harsh time for tratter owners. Not only do they suffer wiv drafty doors wiv no seals, they also has to deal wiv freezing temperatures inside their tratters. Tratters are well known for not having heaters. Un those that do have em, don't work. So owners have to wear 2 coats and pink leffer driving gloves just to keep frost bight away. Some cuddle up to their pigs whilst driving to keep warm.

Anyways, enough of the heartache. On wiv the fred.

During winter months ere in the UK roads tend to freeze up when Jack Frost has been busy. We sometimes get snow too (yes please). It's a well known fact that road salt is spread on the roads to try to clear them of said frost and snow. Nowt worries a tratterer more than road salt. Their drafty damp biscuit tins are well known fer rusting. And the road salt just speeds up the process. I would therefore like to ask all Freelander owners to take pity on tratterers un help them in their wintery time of need. An appeal fer tratters un their owners if you like. If any non Freelander owners are reading this and feel they would like to join in and donate, then please feel free to do so.

Now yer probably thinking I'm asking fer money to help wiv repairs. I int. Or perhaps asking fer old clothes to keep em warm. I int. I'm asking for something often thrown away. One mans rubbish is another mans treasure some might say. If your planning on giving someone chocolates as a gift for Christmas, or your given some yourself, please can you donate the metal tin? These metal biscuit tins are greatly valued by the trattering community for chassis patch repairs. After a difficult winter just think of the happiness we could spread if every tratterer on ere knew they’d receive a gift of a biscuit tin (or 6) to help them fight the eventual fate of the tin worm. Keeping them tratterering well into the new year. :D
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your concern is truly touching hippo ,:rolleyes:;)but please no roses tins as they is made from inferior tin, however crawfords biscuit tins are great.:D
you really should not be cutting those tins up you could have a little fire in them to take over the heating in those oldies which I hope to have soon as i have sorted my auto box out
Hi Hippo,
A very good cause if i have to say so myself. Shorry but no biscuit tins although i have the crap from my recycling bin which consists of heinz baked beans tins which are surley higher grade tin than they are used to. I also have a load of old tin foil which i am prepared to donate which when bonded to the door panels with excessive body filler can give the effect of having sound body work.
Excellent and very thoughtful idea, Mr Hippo.

I haven't got any left over tin biscuit tins, but I have some plastic ones. Will they do as well? Should help with the corrosion resistance when welded in place..

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Hi Hippo,
A very good cause if i have to say so myself. Shorry but no biscuit tins although i have the crap from my recycling bin which consists of heinz baked beans tins which are surley higher grade tin than they are used to. I also have a load of old tin foil which i am prepared to donate which when bonded to the door panels with excessive body filler can give the effect of having sound body work.
Good idea. Baked bean cans could be collected to help wiv repairs too. If you could cut off both lids before sending them in that would help lots. I've seen one cut down the side to be made into a cone, for use wiv pushing in cylinders when the oil rings need poking in. Also the cut tins could be used for eggsource repairs.

Excellent and very thoughtful idea, Mr Hippo.
I haven't got any left over tin biscuit tins, but I have some plastic ones. Will they do as well? Should help with the corrosion resistance when welded in place..
Only if the lids can be sealed water proof. That way they could use them as radiators. We could supply some garden hose to connect them up to the engine radiator to supply central heating. Biased to the rear to keep their pigs warm.
I donated 4 Roses tins and a new bale of hay (for his pig) to my mate Howard.
He is one of the aforementioned tratterists.

He was so grateful he offered me some matches and a can of unleaded :confused:

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