Yeah i drive from mine to hull ferry to rotterdam and drive through holland and into germany, ive a Bmw 330ci i use for the nurburgring trips and pottering about, the range rover is a sort of toy and a tow car for my race car and a winter hack for when its crap out here in the hills lol...
Sorry to hear about all this bad luck. Was this car on Ebay a month or so ago? If it is, I very nearly bid on it in both the auctions, based purely on the miles / price.

Hope you get it all sorted though. Would be pretty rubbish if you only just bought it, spent a fortune trying to fix it, then end up breaking it.

Will keep an eye on this though.
XS2man no it must of been a different one i did see the one you were on about though very similar spec this came from a friend of a friend in chelmsford this one...

the fault though is my own doing nowt to do with the previous owner the EBCM and water leak is just one of those things but the non start is my fault shorted the fuse box on the body by accident...
Doug has confirmed the engine ECU will need to be coded to the ebcm and need his equipment to do it,, poor bloke is on about coming up again this blood car lad...
Doug has confirmed the engine ECU will need to be coded to the ebcm and need his equipment to do it,, poor bloke is on about coming up again this blood car lad...

Can? will you not send yours to him just to save his time and check to see if your ecu is fried then
That would more than Likely Conclude this poor episode
i suppose i can but Doug tested the ECU whle it was fitted from his laptop and stuff and seemed to think the results were ok but he cant test everything i dont think im not sure i will mail him...
Dougs system cant check any further than what he has done already as its a thor ecu.... worth an ask though still...
The ECU will need to synced/coded to the BeCM, so he'll have to be with the vehicle to do the sync....
Doug coming to sort out the engine ecu coding in on Sunday fingers crossed this time it gets sorted what else can it be anyone got any ideas so it will have a fully reconditioned Ebcm tried another fuse box now the engine ecu if it don't start from there has anyone got any other theories at all
Doug coming to sort out the engine ecu coding in on Sunday fingers crossed this time it gets sorted what else can it be anyone got any ideas so it will have a fully reconditioned Ebcm tried another fuse box now the engine ecu if it don't start from there has anyone got any other theories at all
I'm pretty sure the ECU's aren't plug and play but need to be synced to the BeCM - this is done so that you can't just get round the immobiliser issues by substituting ECUs.....

Now you have an ECU you will need to sync that to your new BeCM....

With luck Doug can sort out....

As far as I know the only things left would be the Crank Sensor not telling the ECU the engine is turning over.....again can really only be checked on a 'scope or via live data diagnostics....

Really wanna meet you and buy you a beer (if you drink that is - I don't, but will gladly buy you a beer) but Durham is a bit far away.....

You have had your lions share of issues with this P38, yet you have (seemed) remained remarkably bouyant in the face of extreme adversity - and that I respect....

Feel for you bud....
well one thing we know it isn't and thats the fusebox.came back this morning, i have just finished refitting and my tub runs thank you for the contribution to the sassanach beer fund,but you didn,t need too.(seriously)
Saint... yeah doug says you need to marry them up and he can do it no bother sunday so that should eliminate that if it works or not..

The non start was definatley only an issue after the short curcuit so hope fully its a component blown like you say

Beer Wise im not a big drinker to be fair but could end up a alcoholic in time ha ha

Yeah i seem to have had a rough time but ive been away and come back after germany with a "it aint going to beat me approuch"

DOGSBODY = yeah there is nearly £70 in the tank 3/4 full and it was running great till i shorted a live to the EBCM and stopped it firing up..

SASSANACH = I cant thank you enough for the fuse box test and your very welcome to the few beers no problem...

if i can reaturn the favour just ask no problems mate...
Hopefully maybe a bit premeture as well but doug is coming sunday and im also getting the heater O rings replaced sunday too so should keep floor free from dampness too, plus ove just obtained a cd multichanger to replace my broken one and with a bit luck it might be fixed sunday...

Failing that im cracking out the cleanex and jargermeister **** it lol
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Hopefully maybe a bit premeture as well but doug is coming sunday and im also getting the heater O rings replaced sunday too so should keep floor free from dampness too, plus ove just obtained a cd multichanger to replace my broken one and with a bit luck it might be fixed sunday...

Failing that im cracking out the cleanex and jargermeister **** it lol

Chin up bud, you WILL fix this :) And once you do, you'll wonder why you nearly gave up on a such a great motor :)

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