Looking at the circuit for the coils....
Relay 23 is pulled in to provide power to the Coil packs this is done by the BeCM switching the Relay Coil to earth
Power is then delivered to the coil packs via the White Wire (spliced into this wire is another white wire for the second coil pack) a second splice feds a Red wire that is connected to a Capacitor Link then to earth.
From the coils via sheilded cables are the Coil firing cables from the ECU (White/Blue, Pink/Black, Red & Blue) in essence the ECU releases the charge in the Primary Coil to spark the plug. (roughly...)
This switching of the coil by the ECU happens very quickly and will probably only be picked up on a scope....
As you have power to the White wire on ignition on and cranking indicates the BeCM is pulling in relay 23 so there is power to the coils....
The only thing left is the ECU isn't firing the coil pack via the wires coloured above - only problem it will be difficult to tell as I said above a 'scope is the best method to check this switching as it will heppen quickly....each coil fires 8 times per revolution(maths??) due to the 'wasted spark' method (each cylinder fires twice per cycle) so even at a crank speed of 100 revs (which is quite slow!! usually it is much higher) you are looking at measuring a pulse every .2 of a sec or something (don't have a calculator to hand)....
Everything else seems to have power - it turns over, you have dash indications - you have power to the coils - the BeCM is switching the Relay 23 on - only thing left is the ECU isn't firing the coils....
Either this is due to loss of sync or its fryed....
Few things to check -
Check continuity from ECU Coil firing pins (2, 6, 7 & 8) to the coil Plug pins (in the order above) to ensure the wiring from the ECU to the Coils is sound...
My last guess is the ECU is fryed....it is the only thing left following all the power checks to the coils!