That sounds about right as the pipes go through a hole in the wing, so if so what would cavse them to overflow. one ot then has had a stick shoved in and the was clear. the only thing that i can think of is that the floats are stickeing.
the floats are either sticking or have holes in them or the valves int seating properly or is worn
Take the tops off, see if the valves are working properly, check the floats are empty, the floats/valves can be adjusted if need be.
Job done opend the float chambers twidled the floats a bit and put it back together. now it sounds better and tickes over nicley with no choke.

do you put oil in these carbs, if so wht sort, how much.
Ive got another cupple of questions for everyone.

I set about trying to fix the exaust, and after a few hours welding etc, i decided that it was past it. been looking for a replacement and seen as though there was never a V8 iftten to a SWB S3. do you know if range rover classic will fit, i only need the two front pipes and Y pipe. i am just wondering if the range rover one weves arround the cross members in the same way.

The next thing is, i took her for a drive the other day, it was not to my expectations, inorder to get her to go any ware i had to stick it in low range and use hugh fevs to make her move, and she kept cutting out under load. my diagnosis is the clutch is nakad and the carbs need a good overhaul. just wanting to know weather any one else agrees with me.
ive always put brake fluid into the piston hole damper. works better than thick engine oil. u get a more positive response.
does that give the year of manufacture or the year of registration? with MOD vehicles this could be well over a 10 year difference if the vehicle wasn't issued with age related plates at time of registration.

If you have the mod reg I have a list with the dates, or if you don't have the reg number get the chassis number off the front spring hanger & write or email to:

Erika spencer
RLC Museum
The Princess Royal Barracks
Deepcut, Camberley
Surrey, GU16 6RW England

They are volunteers so be prepared to wait a while.

The log book says that it was manufactured in 1974 but dont know weather this is accurate, i will email the rlc and see if that gives me more info.

Thanks again.

Dose any one have an idea weather a range rover exaust will fit or has any one got any other ideas
apparently you ca use the normal s2A/3 pannels if you cut a bat of the width
you can get these from craddocs or paddocs
Ive been battling on with the exhaust again but i just can't get it right, it either hits the chassis every ware or it hangs two low.

Does any one have a s3 with a V8. if so what did you do for an exhaust.

I'm starting to get to the end of my tether with it, and to top it all off my garage has developed a water ingression problem with all the Heavy rain
I ad mine stick straight up through the bonnett like a tractor.. only used it off road so dont know if the evil mot man would have objected. worked a treat and i secured it like wot you would dowiv a snorkel...not pretty mind...
dunno what yer using but there are places that will make an egghost up for you. you get the vehicle to their workshop and they make it to suit.

i.e bend a bit of pipe, try it if its not right they rebend it till it is. you'd have to search fer them though.. only one i know of is in glasgow but there must be more of them abart

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