Right explanation, bear in mind this is only forensic investigation for curiosity reasons.
Taking out the valves all was going well until no. 7. This inlet valve was really stiff to get out to the point I had to take a piece of wooden dowel and tap it with a hammer. Even this took several taps moving a little each time. It was only stiff for the last inch I'd guess.
So I measured the valve as you can see. All the other valves were uniform along their length. If anything the very end, shown in first picture, was minutely under. Valve 7 however, the end was .08mm larger than the rest. It wouldn't fit in any other guides and other vlaves would fit in guide 7.
Strange to be only one valve, until I remember the most bent pushrod that we struggled to pull through the head was no. 7.
Also valve 7 had a lot more crud on the back side than any other inlet Valve.
the right one has mounds of stuff solidly stuck on.
What would be the knock on effect of this, if any? If it took out that piston or significantly reduced it would the engine still run on two. could thus be why no start?