the Electrician

New Member
I know I'm a new boy and all that, but it strikes me that there should be a section on the forum where people can recommend places to stay.

From experience, I would say that there are a lot of Landy lovers go Camping and Caravaning (we are Campers as we have six kids), but it would be great if we could post on here something like "thinking of camping in yorkshire next month, wheres good" and get some suggestions from of campers and caravaners that have been there.
books always big a place up, but real people tell the truth.

we could even organize weekends where everyone takes over a camp ground for a big meet say twice a would be a big barbie eh ?
just an idea, what do you think ?.

(I'll get my coat then).
Because if there were a specific section, people would post there, as opposed to a thread which constantly moves down the page and then into the archives.

I personally think it is something that would be of interest and beneficial to most members but that's just a personal opinion, i could be wrong.

hey! wouldn't it be betta if we had a new website just for camping or perhaps a new section to advertise your favorite coffee or maybe what bog roll you use.
hey! wouldn't it be betta if we had a new website just for camping or perhaps a new section to advertise your favorite coffee or maybe what bog roll you use.

Campin'?!!!? prefered the Gite. Nescaff. Andrex wiv Hello Vera:D
There is another Land Rover site on the web, there started small, fortunatly, they embrassed change and improvement, imput from members etc.
thats proberly why they are still going and growing all the time.
this is a great little site, but by shutting doors on ideas without trying them out, it will always be just that, little.

There is a great saying that goes "if everytime you open your mouth, you offend, your best not opening your mouth at all".

nuff said.
There is another Land Rover site on the web, there started small, fortunatly, they embrassed change and improvement, imput from members etc.
thats proberly why they are still going and growing all the time.
this is a great little site, but by shutting doors on ideas without trying them out, it will always be just that, little.

There is a great saying that goes "if everytime you open your mouth, you offend, your best not opening your mouth at all".

nuff said.
Slob, can I have that yin please, never bin told orf by newbie yet. Redhand beat me to it the other day. Aw go on, PLEASE:D
well there was no banter was there !
i was expecting a moan as i basically said, told slob, that he was being a miserible old sod.
which he was.
well there was no banter was there !
i was expecting a moan as i basically said, told slob, that he was being a miserible old sod.
which he was.
kinell, a caravanner who takes internet forums seriously!
bet ee's a barrel of fun to camp with!:eek: :eek: :eek:
kinell, a caravanner who takes internet forums seriously!
bet ee's a barrel of fun to camp with!:eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm not a caravaneer, we are campers, we have a tent, you can't get a tow along eight berth caravan.

And i don't take forums seriously, it's just that i don't expect the dog to bark everytime someone walks past either.

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