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A friend of mine has offered me her old 200tdi (F Reg) 90 for free!!!!

It has been used as a farm hack for years and has been SORN for the past 3 years.

I haven't checked it out properly yet, but the engine and gearbox seem good. The body work is tatty and the chassis looks like it needs work or more probably replacing.

Now, i like to pretend I am a mechanical genius, but in truth I am to spanners what David Cameron is to comprehensive education - that is completely clueless.......well unlike Cameron, not completely clueless, but definitely not a top notch mechanic........

So here is the question should I:-

1. Break it for spares - some for my 110 and others for sales
2. Restore it
3. Sell it as is and split the cash with her?

I will post some pictures when I can, but interested in what people think....
Yeah, it goes against the grain a bit to destroy an old tratter........Mind you the wife might go mental as I have my 110 dropping oil on the drive as well!
if you do sell it, only fair to give the nice lady who gave you a landy half :)
If it's a original defender 200tdi the engine is worth a few £££ if your 110 doesn't a tdi already maybe that's an option
Depends if you've got the time to put into restoring it, if not sell it, even breaking it is time consuming, ripping bits off for a few quid
My 110 has got really good 300tdi in it, so don't need the 200tdi.

I will see how bad the 90 is then make a call on it. Wack makes a good point - the time needed to restore it or strip it could be prohibitive for me.

Watch this space there will either be some bargain 200tdi bits for sale or a big shout out to anyone in the Leeds area with a socket set and arc welder............
be careful if you take it i started of having one as a doner/project and ended up with a yard and usually atleast 7 kicking about
Where abouts are you located? I have a friend after a project 90, hes a welder so a rotten chassis isn't the worse thing ever for him...
I am near Leeds. I haven't got the 90 back home yet, so will post some pics when I have. If I decide to get rid of it and not take on the project myself, I will give you a shout.
I would say restore it, working on a 90 really isn't rocket science.. if you can undo bolts then have a go at a chassis change, if in doubt then look at your 110 to see where bits go, or get some advice on here.. if you sell it, somebody else will break it and make the money.. restore it, sell or keep it and enjoy it..

Keep the old girl running for another 20 years...

I'm part way through restoring a D reg 90, all good fun, can do it a bit at a time parts easy to come by and plenty of advice from people on here..

genuine 200's are becoming more rare so keep it on the road..

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