
Hi all I know this topic has been done todeath& I have trawled through the forum a bit but after some scrote tried to prise open the bonnet on my 90 I think I need some proper security.
Can any of you recommend an alarm that won't break the bank & has connections for door\bonnet switches?
Also does anyone in the Hampshire area have a clutch claw or similar laying around your don't need tokens will be supplied.....on a side note this is the first time someone's tampered with Joe(my 90s name) since I fitted a canvas tilt🀬
Today you need to order a disklok and a proper pedal lock that covers all the pedals.
Then get it booked in for an alarm, maybe a bollard if parked on the drive.
I think they might be back since they know where you are.
Saying that they can't be very good thieves if they can't open the bonnet from the outside
Bar sticking an outside padlocks for the bonnet. I agree with above they're inept but they will try again. Could stick stobe lights and very loud truck horn in the engine bay to trip upon opening. Nothing worse than reaction to sharp light to startle would be thieves.
Bar sticking an outside padlocks for the bonnet. I agree with above they're inept but they will try again. Could stick stobe lights and very loud truck horn in the engine bay to trip upon opening. Nothing worse than reaction to sharp light to startle would be thieves.
Actually that is a good idea.
Thanks for your replies...I'm guessing they were just chancers seeing as they couldn't get the bonnet open...landy already fitted loud truck horn so need sort an alarm ASAP....landy lives on our drive with a pir light directly in front of it & smart doorbell pretty much facing it so I'm not sure that it happened at my Home🀞
Thanks for your replies...I'm guessing they were just chancers seeing as they couldn't get the bonnet open...landy already fitted loud truck horn so need sort an alarm ASAP....landy lives on our drive with a pir light directly in front of it & smart doorbell pretty much facing it so I'm not sure that it happened at my Home🀞
It's a question who pays attention to security lights triggering. Should have said shipping hornπŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ. 99% of the time around Manchester it's cats scuttling for mice rats that trip the sensors. Bad enough for myopic astronomer like myself scurry for dark areas in the back garden. Apparently with the amount of lights coming on around here I'd swear I saw an alien craft replying to the message been sentπŸ‘½ _#Β£& off
Of course, what sort would you like?
Nice oatmeal 😁
There have been quite a few thefts in Hampshire recently, mostly around the eastern parts towards Sussex and Surrey. I’ve got family near Winchester so visit with my 90 too.

A good start is a disklok. Very visible and another layer of security with a clutch claw.

Best Β£80 quid I ever spent, it has a container lock on it which is an absolute pig to put on and take off, also have a disc lock and a tracker.. I also try and park it sandwiched between our two other cars.. the things you have to do!!

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