Did a bit of cleaning and painting on the dash tonight




Sent my turbo to be re conned this week should get it early next week, fingers crossed should be running within a fortnight
Top quality work as usual, at least the weather played ball for you I've spent all day battling to refit my axle been raining all day
looking good billy,wish mine was coming along the same its ****ed it down for 3 days,and the wifes having a right tantrum because i want to work on the fender sunday :mad:shes normally pretty understanding but shes not backing down yet
Cheers Sam

How did it go? Your shiny black bumper looks ace:D

thanks, yeah got there eventually refitted the rear and resealed the swivels on the front as they we leaking. just got to strip the winch but typically ifs all AF capheads and my imperial stuffs at work and ive got the week off.:mad:
Bit more cleaning and painting tonight



Fitted the air vents


Found a small problem with the rear door, must have been out of shape when I repaired it, will fix it tomorrow with a bit of wood and my slender frame

Bit more cleaning and painting tonight



Fitted the air vents


Found a small problem with the rear door, must have been out of shape when I repaired it, will fix it tomorrow with a bit of wood and my slender frame


The door looks straight and the landy looks bent in the pic :eek:
This is one of those threads that gives me the motivation to keep going when my own build is getting me down. Keep up the good work!
First thing today we straightened up the back door


Welded the door up and fitted the lock


Quick weld on the drivers seat runners


Seats and belts fitted


Started putting the dash back but I seem to have lost the windscreen sprayer wotsit, so had to stop for the day


Turbo should be coming Tuesday but too busy next weekend to get it fitted!:)
Just had a great read.

I don't have a defender but plenty of other projects I need inspiration for. :)
Thanks dan, but we'll wait till it rains and see!
No need to wait, it will leak like a sieve :D Probably not the back door, looks like you've got a great fit. Roof seams and front doors are bound to leak.
Nice clean intact seats and stuff you have there, looks like a not too distant door too :)
Had a bit of extra filling to do where I went silly with the flappy grinder disc



Sanded and painted, the paint takes ages to dry so will leave it for a week


I'm loving this thread!!! Loved how your inexperience is self confessed at the start. But what an amazing job you've done Sir :)

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