Sloooooooooooooooow progress...

Went a bit OTT on the centre port with the flappy disk so it seems...

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Have you put a straight edge on the head to see what they are like?

The existing manifold is still bolted to the head, so no.

I've had a straight edge on this manifold after the sanding so far and it's totally flat, just need to sand the high points off to get the whole lot flat now.
Finished sanding the replacement manifold and swapped it in...

Here's the banana that came off:

Full 3-4mm difference from one end to the other!

Good news is the replacement is totally flush with the head...

Bad news is the turbo gasket is now shot and it's chirping from there - will pick up a new one up tomorrow.
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FS, one of the turbo studs sheared as I was undoing the nuts :/

sheared at the turbo flange too, so it's a drill out job :(
Turbo removed... broken stud drilled out, and new stud threadlocked in:


Decided to blow some crap out of the manifold by starting the engine... bad idea with the turbo oil feed wide open!!

Think the manifold needs some more work before it goes back on.
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Hope so, fed up of this today...

Sanded the manifold more....

Replaced it and the gaskets....

It's not leaking where it meets the head or the turbo ....

But the EGR blank port IS, FFS!!! New gaskets needed for there now :/

Oh and to top it off when I refitted the turbo I managed to rotate the oil return gasket by 30 degrees so it ****ed a litre of oil out on the test drive.

One of those days....
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Double bagged the EGR blanking gasket...


And after a quick blast it seems to be squeal free - let's see how it hols up to some motorway driving tomorrow.
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This is a smashing thread, but I have to ask the burning question......

Do you mind posting what all this work has cost you? Pounds, not stress!

I've never had the courage to add it all up, suffice to say it's been a small fortune no doubt, but a lot cheaper than buying a new motor.
Strongly suspect I might be doing an engine rebuild later this year....

Getting good performance, but there's an awful lot of blow by oil being collected by the Provent.

Also the cam carrier is weeping oil a lot more than I'm comfortable with - suspect the higher boost pressures coupled with increased blowby due to 120K miles on the clock has made that problem worse.

Been pricing up head kit, piston rings, big end shells, conrod bearings, thrust bearings, bolts etc on turners website and it's not exactly a cheap day out.
Strongly suspect I might be doing an engine rebuild later this year....

Getting good performance, but there's an awful lot of blow by oil being collected by the Provent.

Also the cam carrier is weeping oil a lot more than I'm comfortable with - suspect the higher boost pressures coupled with increased blowby due to 120K miles on the clock has made that problem worse.

Been pricing up head kit, piston rings, big end shells, conrod bearings, thrust bearings, bolts etc on turners website and it's not exactly a cheap day out.

Certainly not cheep :eek: I had the same intentions a couple of years back. Bought a spare 15p block to do it and it never went any further :eek:
I'll wait for this one to blow up first I think.

Good news is after 25 mile commute there's still no squealing from the exhaust system.
Somethings not right at the moment :(

Lots of what looks to be grey smoke low down until the engine is up to temp.

Don't appear to be loosing coolant so all I can think is unburnt fuel - I know the map is a bit strong at around 1500 rpm but this seems to be a lot more harsh (warmer day??).

Took the lid off the provent to be greeted by a horrible oil/water emulsion sat in the top...

No smell of coolant so I'm pretty sure it's just combustion condensation - still it just feels like a lot of oil getting caught... Anyone else got one that I can compare notes with?

Also took a photo of my weeping cam carrier - hope I've not got an engine that's about to implode/explode...

Crank case over pressurisation due to weak rings? arrrrrg.

As said on another thread I just ordered some forte seal conditioner to throw in the crank case in the vain hope it's stem seals and it works some kind of magic.
Yes mate, by the look of the insides of that vapour trap, it appears your engine has an issue with excessive blow-by as a result of either worn rings, worn bores or both.
That extra oomph from the engine's current state of tune is likely to exacerbate the wear and make it worse. Looks like you may need to rebuild that motor sooner than you think.... On the upside, I gotta say that you've done a great job with your disco.

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