Sorry for lack of updates. Life appears to be in a blender at the moment...
Had to swap the LOF Powerslave out on the D2 as the are not recommended for new clutches, fine on a Defender because you can adjust the pedal to suit. Not the case on a D2. Swapped out for an AP Slave for at least the next 2k miles so the clutch can fully bed in.
Since swapping gear changes are considerably better but the clutch pedal is obviously heavier. Good trade off, for now... I did ask Sam at Sussex LR to fit a Syncro SlickShift, easy to do when the box is out. Changes are nicer, shorter and feel more modern. Worth doing if the box is out or you can be bothered

I must say the best upgrade of all has come from Pioneer4x4 with their braided clutch line. Slave swap and bleed took 20 minutes on the drive, no difficulty bleeding at all. As its flexi was able to swap the slave cylinders above the engine instead of underneath. All about making life easier! Highly recommended.
Covered 350miles now driving sensibly, slowly bedding the clutch in ready for the power upgrades.
Got 99% of the components for turbo swap, just waiting on an improved oil feed line from Pioneer.
Will be fabricating a 3" stainless downpipe and mid box with a sports silencer this time, instead of just the down pipe. Should be quiet enough for daily use but loud enough when I want it. As the rear section will be tricky. Not doing the standard cut a hole in the side....