
New Member
Hello all

My name is Knobbly and I'm an alcholholc*hic*..Oh bugger, wrong forum.:eek:

..anyway. Hello. Just bought a Freelander 1.8S 04 as a weekend scrambler as me and girt love a good rummage in the undergrowth.

Looking forward to getting stuck in to this forum.

Write soon.

Responding to your sacasm about getting stuck...I was admiring your own mode of transport ( Avatar) which is a fine piece of sheet metal fabrication !:)
aint driven a 6x6 in fifteen years but did have a few problems wi it but i wasnt mine it was the mods so didnt care
yer goota expect a bit o sarcasm on here though specially if yer drive a hippo
but at least its a landy
No problem. Each to their own. My Mrs is delighted with her "metrosexual" all terrain vehicle ! ,and as we live on the "rock" it works !
No problem. Each to their own. My Mrs is delighted with her "metrosexual" all terrain vehicle ! ,and as we live on the "rock" it works !
ave heard o folk being intae some strange things
but sex wi a free newspapers a new one on me

whats it like off roading on the isle of man then
heard its great fer bikes n fast cars but not much about off roading
Sounds great ! Although with my rambling/fell walking hat on...I couldnt possibly comment on that !!
Its set to be another great year for the TT (weather permitting!)

Rambling hat??? You cant wear that if your driving a Landy!!

Your either with us... Or against us!! hahahaha
Its a metaphorical hat :rolleyes: berghaus, Goretex....!;)
Lets put it this way!
One day i'm fell walking and hate anyone making a noise, one day i'm ripping up green lanes, one day i'm cleaning up beaches and "tut"ing and one day i'm screaming my gas/oil guzzling RX8 over the mountain at 130mph, legally!

You cant offend me i'm not green I just appreciate the colour !

It all good here. IOM - Freedom to Flourish ( is our motto!)

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