This was the front. I've recently taken delivery of a G1WH which is now the front.

Yes, there are a ridiculous number of idiots on the road. The "best one" was a nurse in a Sierra who took to the kerb (for 50 yards) outside our school one morning. The footage was passed to the school's Link Community Officer and the driver was prosecuted!! :eek::eek::eek:

G1W | Dash Cam Talk

Nice looking camera - where did you get yours from?
Ahh can see it now.

I have to critisize your driving I'm afraid, though it was obvisouly a heat of the moment thing, but flashing your headlights at the other driver doesn't help anyone. what you should have done is engaged low range and driven over them. :D

I might scratch my paint then! :D:D
Be wary of anybody listing Portsmouth as a location (for so many reasons)!

Clicked onto the seller and.....

Based in China, topestore360 has been an eBay member since 14 Mar, 2014 :eek::eek::eek:

I did have my suspisions, and sent them a message when I found the listing to clarify - still no response tho.....
Have you got both washers working?

Yep - :):):):)

The most difficult bit was threading the pipe under trim and through grommets. etc. Used 3M of tube and spliced into the main rear pipe with a Y connector. Used spring clips on the join. Might try it with wiper jet only to see what the pressure is like.

Thanks for the tips and help Roger. :clap2::clap2:
Oooo that sounds very exciting!!! Any pics?

Had to emply Mini AWP to press the button whilst I took the photo. Out of interest, does anybody know of the logic/reasons why the rear wiper doesn't work when the driver's door is open??


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