I no what you mean chap, the bumper is trimmed in the snow picture but my plan is to make a template and have a custom heavy duty one made,
I'm in derbyshire the pick is Stanton just outside Ashbourne, it's one of those places that's that hilly that there can be a couple of inches but then you drive up into the hills and the drifts are mahoosive, great fun!
I no what you mean chap, the bumper is trimmed in the snow picture but my plan is to make a template and have a custom heavy duty one made,
I'm in derbyshire the pick is Stanton just outside Ashbourne, it's one of those places that's that hilly that there can be a couple of inches but then you drive up into the hills and the drifts are mahoosive, great fun!

Ah, know it (quite) well. Used to live in Brown Edge (far side of Leek) until I was in my 20's. We hardly get any snow down here. If we do, the whole area comes to a standstill as nobody knows how to drive in the snow, especially BMW drivers!
Oh yes there's a fine oak cake shop in leek (missis family are stokeys)!
Ye it's funny how Landy owners have shovels in there car but muppets in bmws don't!
Ye it's funny how Landy owners have shovels in there car but muppets in bmws don't!

A few years ago, we had a few inches which stopped the South for three days! I live on the tiniest of hills. One morning, I heard a racket and went to the door to see my neighbour revving the tits off his BMW in first gear, franticly wheel spinning BUT sliding backwards down the hill. He was graunching down the kerb outside my house (on the wrong side of the road for him) having slide from the correct side. I smiled sweetly as he looked like a proper ####! Needless to say, I offered him a tow up the hill and into the village centre. Untied him and drove off. Realised later that he'd got stuck on level ground and his car stayed there for the next three days!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Ha what a muppet!
I can remember driving up the road to the junction were cars were waiting cus a bmw was stuck so I drove round them to the top were I saw a women in the drivers seat and my mate trying to push it so I said to my mate il tow it out the way but when I drove forward I saw a bloke in the passenger seat wearing a suit looking all sheepish! I told my mate and he wasn't happy! It was still there that night
I no what you mean chap, the bumper is trimmed in the snow picture but my plan is to make a template and have a custom heavy duty one made,
I'm in derbyshire the pick is Stanton just outside Ashbourne, it's one of those places that's that hilly that there can be a couple of inches but then you drive up into the hills and the drifts are mahoosive, great fun!

Where are you mate? im just east of Ashbourne :)

Was in the hills last year between ashbourne and leek some drufts 8ft tall, we got stuck in 4ft of snow on the road had to be towed out by a tractor of a mates :D
Belper mate but my work is usually in and around the Peak District so regularly have fun in the hills, there were some Awsome drifts the other year especially up on the Buxton road il try and find a pick of the pub "bull ith thorn"
Were a outs east are you
Belper mate but my work is usually in and around the Peak District so regularly have fun in the hills, there were some Awsome drifts the other year especially up on the Buxton road il try and find a pick of the pub "bull ith thorn"
Were a outs east are you

im in alfreton o.o not far at all!
What size are the speakers ? I was hoping to mount my Vibe in the same place but it's too deep, so I need something a little slimmer.

Epic build thread BTW
must of missed your front cam - which one did you get as I have been looking into getting one of these, with all the 'muppet' drivers now on the roads.....
must of missed your front cam - which one did you get as I have been looking into getting one of these, with all the 'muppet' drivers now on the roads.....

This was the front. I've recently taken delivery of a G1WH which is now the front.

Yes, there are a ridiculous number of idiots on the road. The "best one" was a nurse in a Sierra who took to the kerb (for 50 yards) outside our school one morning. The footage was passed to the school's Link Community Officer and the driver was prosecuted!! :eek::eek::eek:

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