Is it easy to change? :eek:

We had a similar problem on one of our tractors was discharging slowly over time but not putting out a wrong voltage. Changed the whole alt as we couldnt get a diode for that alt. Fixed it .

The diode only allows charge to flow one way so it chatges your battery when the engine is running but doesnt discharge when engine off . If it was the regulator that was knackered it would be putting out the wrong voltage.

The diode is abit harder to get at than the regulator it may be in built to the casing may be seperate and removable
Its not to bad. Just need a decent soldering iron. You have to unsolder the 3/4 main coil wires from the diode pack to seperate it from the alternator. You can just replace the diode itself, but its not as easy to figure out what diode you need and there not as readily available.
Its not to bad. Just need a decent soldering iron. You have to unsolder the 3/4 main coil wires from the diode pack to seperate it from the alternator. You can just replace the diode itself, but its not as easy to figure out what diode you need and there not as readily available.

There we go someone with knowledge :D
A catch up on a few mods.

Eventually fitted the triple gauges. They can all do temp, time, seconds, voltage.

Replaced the pillar trim too - this time sprayed black and not covered in speaker box cloth.


our local 'cheap' shop had a load of different sized jerry cans in stock. they were a bit darker in colour than the one in the link above
Been out this AM, fine. It's only done it on two 60 second runs. :eek:

Spoke too soon!

Really hot this evening after turning the car round in the drive.

With everything connected (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 12.5v, Exciter terminal 0.6v, Spare Terminal -0.01v.

With main wire on and exciter wire off (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 12.5v, Exciter terminal 0.6v, Spare Terminal -0.3v.

With main wire and exciter wire off (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 0.57v, Exciter terminal 0.25v, Spare Terminal -0.01v.

Something tells me it ain't well at all!! :mad::mad::mad:
Time to put the sliders back on - had to trim the ends when the arches went on.

Stripped and primed.



Welded the riv-nuts to prevent problems. Cleaned and primed.


How have you secured yer second battery ?

I've just got a replacement inner wing for my disco1 and rather than use the original way of securing the battery, I wondered if there was any other way of doing it.

Spoke too soon!

Really hot this evening after turning the car round in the drive.

With everything connected (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 12.5v, Exciter terminal 0.6v, Spare Terminal -0.01v.

With main wire on and exciter wire off (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 12.5v, Exciter terminal 0.6v, Spare Terminal -0.3v.

With main wire and exciter wire off (ignition off)..... Main alternator terminal 0.57v, Exciter terminal 0.25v, Spare Terminal -0.01v.

Something tells me it ain't well at all!! :mad::mad::mad:

non of them tests are of any use lol.

whats the voltage when its running? test the main and exciter.
Well I just read through this thread and I'm very impressed chap, I love your attention to detail as it's the little things that make an exceptional Landy like yours!
The pic of your daughter in the passenger seat in the snow is great iv got a 18 month old little girl who loves driving shotgun! She sits there waving and smiling and she even points out other "drovers" as she calls them.
One thing I have thought but I'd guess you have it covered is a agreed price insurance cus if something was to happen I'd hate to see you with a pathetic cheque though the door, just a thought mate.
Iv got a D1 3dr auto that iv been gradually doing up for a while but never seem to get enough time! Il get there eventually but it's all good fun, quite funny actually I had one 12 years ago but never had the money to do anything to it but plenty of time! so decided to get another but now don't seem to be able to find enough time just a few hours here and there, I did post some pics a while back,
Anyway cracking job and hope it serves you well chap
How have you secured yer second battery ?

I've just got a replacement inner wing for my disco1 and rather than use the original way of securing the battery, I wondered if there was any other way of doing it.


I haven't - they just sit in the hole. Occasionally get an advisory but nowt else.


How have you secured yer second battery ?

I've just got a replacement inner wing for my disco1 and rather than use the original way of securing the battery, I wondered if there was any other way of doing it.


non of them tests are of any use lol.

whats the voltage when its running? test the main and exciter.

Bugger. The main wire is 13.something when running - I'll give the exciter a measure in the next few days.
Well I just read through this thread and I'm very impressed chap, I love your attention to detail as it's the little things that make an exceptional Landy like yours!
The pic of your daughter in the passenger seat in the snow is great iv got a 18 month old little girl who loves driving shotgun! She sits there waving and smiling and she even points out other "drovers" as she calls them.
One thing I have thought but I'd guess you have it covered is a agreed price insurance cus if something was to happen I'd hate to see you with a pathetic cheque though the door, just a thought mate.
Iv got a D1 3dr auto that iv been gradually doing up for a while but never seem to get enough time! Il get there eventually but it's all good fun, quite funny actually I had one 12 years ago but never had the money to do anything to it but plenty of time! so decided to get another but now don't seem to be able to find enough time just a few hours here and there, I did post some pics a while back,
Anyway cracking job and hope it serves you well chap

Many thanks - it's a bit of an obsession really. The insurance has an agreed amount - nothing like what it's cost but significantly higher than an everyday Disco. Let's see some photos of yours then. :p:p
Ha ok but don't expect too much, these were took a while ago so there's a few more changes since then



Go on then give me your verdict!
Ha ok but don't expect too much, these were took a while ago so there's a few more changes since then

Go on then give me your verdict!

That's very tidy, you should be very pleased with it. As is always the case with LR ownership, one job leads to another. The arches are super but your bumper sticks out more now. I had the same problem and had to cut/weld the front bumper and sliders.

Where the hell do you live with snow like that???

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