Just to keep yu budding "I told yu sos" happy - Marcus and I found the prob wiv my engine today.
The Vacuum advance mechanism was broken - would nevva have seen it except I took the disty orf to swap it, and wondered why the vacuum advance wouldnt stay on the pin below the points..
New vacuum advance int available - and i dint have £75 and 10 days fur an exchange one ( from CAF/EAS) - so swapped it fur one orf a 2.25 disty (may not be the same, but its betta than a broke one). After a few confusing moments with the Haynes, telling us to set the timing incorrectly, hit the tit and Vroom. Not surprising it was a bugger to start, no power and using fuel like tomorrow - i reckon with the vac advance not connected, the advance could change by about 20degrees!
No luck with the rear axle tho - realised after refilling with oil (flushing) that it leaks at rear cover on diff casing. Further investigation showing "Bird crap" welding and a hole - this mite be cause of diff failing - no oil? - called in the TOSSERS help squad :D - but still not fixed - ****es petrol out (used as leak detect) :(.

I know I keep repeating it - but a big THANK YOU to those who are putting themselves out to assist with resurrecting the Dibnah.
so? ah once put a 2.25 landy dizzy into a 6cylinder austin. it worked grand after swapping certain bits
so? ah once put a 2.25 landy dizzy into a 6cylinder austin. it worked grand after swapping certain bits

I is confused ere! - i told ya - it runs fine with the 2.25 vacuum bit in it - I is leaving it alone. 1 down - on to next prob.
Oh, soz, I fort you wuz in the markit fer the correct'un. Ignore me, my senility is marginally premature. :D
I knew i shudna looked!!!!!!!!!

whilst sortin my rear axle, i noticed oil seeping out of the handbrake-propshaft holes!
Took the brakedrum orf tonite. Wished I hadnt - everything, and I mean everything, drum, shoes, backplate, the whole caboodle covered in oil. I can only assume this is weeping out of the rear of the transfer box. Is this an easy fix - or do i have to sit and look at it fur another month, ffs!:eek::eek:
Likley it's the rear output shaft seal... never done one but there's an online walkthrough of one on a Rangie online somewhere - looks about as hard as changing a wheel bearing oil seal, which I've done plenty of.

You'll need to remove the guts of the handbrake and the backplate to get at the output shaft - always assuming the process is similar to the Rangie/Defender.

Doesn't mean you need to miss out on the laning day - just ignore it until afterwards and leave it in gear on hills ;)
do the bearin as well while yer there - slightest play and it will leak again shortly, even wiv a new seal.

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