i hate to say this as i know im putting myself up for a beating on this but...... fuel magnets do work ive had them on many oilburners and all have shown an improvement !
yes i know theres plenty who say there just a **** take ect but i have seen the pro side and the improvement citroen xm 2.5 td average mpg before fitment was 32mpg combined after was 35 mpg so not the huge improvements they spout but over time pays for itself and then some
Im surprised a scot of all people fell for that 1 :D:D
I bet Landrover wished they thought of the fuel magnet, just think of the extra mpg in the brochure !!:D.
Now i'm off to oil my snake !
I think most of us have sussed that magnets = gimmicks.

I always think that if they DID work then they would be fitted as standard by the OEM.

How's about the 'SpitFire' spark improver that you just cut your coil to dizzy lead and screw it into the ht lead, better performance and more mpg - bollox ;) This was a well known 1980s moneyspinner.

Then there's the thingy with the metal balls made of unobtanium in it that you fitted to your old leaded petrol burner's fuel line to enable it to run on that new fangled unleaded crap without blowing its valve seats - bollox

The WORST thing with these ideas is - WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THEM :doh::doh:
Viscous fan replaced by electric one and middle exhaust box replaced with the straight pipe helped me also.Be sure that the MAF works properly,right tyre pressure and no brake binding.
The new big thing over here is a thing you plug into the fag lighter. Called a Virgira or some such crap. Remaps the ECU and saves 10% on fuel. Only 50 quid ¡. Also lowers your carbon footprint. Sounds like bollocks.
Yeah, i was a bit concerned i might plug it in wrong, i'll get a main dealer to do it i think, just to be sure :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Quote from the VIBRATOR web site...
"As most cars have a power supply providing between 12 to 14,5 Volts and with all the cars electrical components running at the same time electricity can actually run short for brief periods of time. Even though this occurs for only a fraction of a second it is still enough to disturb the combustion process of the engine. This will cause an increase in CO2 emission. A car engine’s combustion is controlled by a micro computer called an ECU (Engine Control Unit). The ECU continuously calculates the optimum air/fuel ratio in order to achieve the most efficient combustion process at all times and thereby reduces the CO2 emission.
The ECU needs between 13.5 V and 14 V continuously in order to calculate the air/fuel ratio. At steady driving it is no problem for the power supply to continuously generate a voltage within this interval.
Unfortunately steady driving is not actually possible. In normal traffic the driver often has to brake and accelerate over and over again. During the acceleration the voltage from the car’s power supply will reach levels below 13,5 V for a fraction of a second resulting in the ECU briefly stopping calculations for the optimum air/fuel ratio. There will be thousands of these small calculation breaks on every normal drive.
The core of the VIABTOR’s technology is based on voltage compensation principals. A bespoke electrical circuit has been developed to stabilize the voltage from the car’s power supply thus eliminating the brief outages of the ECU."

Its well written but 99% bollox, most chips run on 5v and it would not stop processing for a split second just because the supply dipped a bit.

The ONLY thing this plug can be is either empty OR a large value capacitor along the lines of those used by the big-bass hi-fi boys to smooth out the ridiculuos drain they place on the battery. Now a capacitor will do no harm, may even do some good, but it wont affect your mpg:doh:
What a complete load of drivel that is, Oh by the way davek ECU's tend shut down at about 9v, on most vehicles.
Its been said already but oh well.
Decent Fuel > the optimax and alike make a diff over a long journey)
Correct tyre pressure
Decent speed (drafting actually makes a diff)
Look ahead and plan your routes (more then normal) is a good one that got mentioned

Amd just to throw it in there, get a big kite and hope the wind is going your way.
What a complete load of drivel that is, Oh by the way davek ECU's tend shut down at about 9v, on most vehicles.

Point taken, i was pointing to logic chips in general. Even if the supply did drop to 9v, i think you would notice long before you had time to calculate how bad the mpg was:rolleyes: What i was meaning was that the supplies for the brains in ECU's would be heavily filtered and regulated down from the car supply to enable it to function on what is a relatively crap voltage/supply/environment for electronics.

I wish i had thought of the plug thingy ;);)
You are such synics. I have two power outlets. If I bought 2 then I could save 20%. If I got more I could save buckets. Free fuel for life! I couldnt light a fag again without crashing the ECU, but what the fu==ck. The man from Sweden or Denmark or Bratislavia says yes! Think about it. Whoever knew that we would be filling our houses with **** chipboard furniture until IKEA invented it. Its the future guys. ...I have a shedful to sell if your interested. I will come to you and fit it ( Subject to conditions). Plenty cheap!!
You are such synics. I have two power outlets. If I bought 2 then I could save 20%. If I got more I could save buckets. Free fuel for life! I couldnt light a fag again without crashing the ECU, but what the fu==ck. The man from Sweden or Denmark or Bratislavia says yes! Think about it. Whoever knew that we would be filling our houses with **** chipboard furniture until IKEA invented it. Its the future guys. ...I have a shedful to sell if your interested. I will come to you and fit it ( Subject to conditions). Plenty cheap!!
Fit 1 to mine free of charge and when it proves to be fantastic i'll tell the memebrs on ere.. they will all buy one and you'll be minted :D:D:rolleyes::doh:
Well I can only offer the following:
I bought a 1995 300tdi in March and straight away I started using biofuel made from waste oil rather than oilseed. I filled up with 99 litres.
I got 485 miles out of the tank running at an average 50 - 60 mph.

Then 480 miles and 487 miles on 94 and 96 litres respectively.

After removing the EGR valve I have been getting 550 to 560 miles per tank since.

So now having acquired a de-cat pipe i hope to find another increase.

I still have not cleaned out the inlet manifold of all the black crap and change the viscous fan to electric.

So hopefully more to come.

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