I didn't write them down, but they were only a few bits out and I can pretty much remember most, if not all the values.

As for the diaphragm, I never took anything out. I'm planning to take the block out today or tomorrow so it's ready when the kit arrives. I inserted a pipe into that hole (it has a pink rubber band round it) by mistake the first time round and blew air through it, so I imagine I've knackered the diaphragm. Ahh well, you learn as too go along cocking things up :oops:
Good on you,I cannot remember what i had for lunch:oops:
Crumbs, our usual guy who delivers stuff has always been pretty good (for a non Royal Mail outfit), but he excelled himself today, or more correctly, tonight!

I heard the door, but wife beat me to it. Anyhoo, he said this was meant to be delivered tomorrow, but he thought he would just pop it up tonight!

Worra legend :cool:

Look what I got:


As you can see, there is a new barrel for the air pump. DubbleRR told me he replaced his seal, but it died six months later. So I thought I would be prepared.

And below is tonight/tomorrow's fight... I mean project :confused:


Kudos to our delivery guy though :)
slow and steady rebuild, one solenoid at a time buddy! Watch out for the spring under the diaphragm!!!!:D:eek:
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slow and steady rebuild, one solenoid at a time buddy! Watch out for the spring under the diaphragm!!!!:D:eek:

Scary stuff :D

Aye Neilly, I looked about and they seemed good. They emailed me and thanked me for my business, so I figured they must be a fairly reasonable outfit if they go that far.
Yeah, I have used their TD5 starter motor kits on a few motors, Good quality stuff. Plus they make fitting videos for people who want a little help.

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Indeed! I was going to do it last night, but I need threadlock, vaseline, various drill bits and so on... Lot of handy tips ;)
Just work methodically and take your time. Give everything a good clean before stripping. Durt contamination is your worst enemy. I used a couple of 3ft sheets of wallpaper face down on the table to work on. Clean and easy to see any bits that ping off. Good luck pal;)
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Indeed! I was going to do it last night, but I need threadlock, vaseline, various drill bits and so on... Lot of handy tips ;)

For what? Pump refurb? No threadlock that I remember. Or Vaseline. Sure you're not back in a specialist brothel?
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For what? Pump refurb? No threadlock that I remember. Or Vaseline. Sure you're not back in a specialist brothel?

No, it's to hold the "O" rings in place so they don't fall out & get nipped. I'm going to re-do the pump as I don't want to be doing it in 6 months time...after all, it was a Britpart and I've heard nothing good about them :(

I have take a picture of each step along the way so hopefully get it on to show how I did it and likely get a punt up the arse for doing it all wrong :p

Am half way through, not as bad as I thought. I marked each valve & valve cover so I know which one goes back on where. I also marked the numbers on the block itself so each valve goes back exactly where it came from.

I just came through to get another couple of pills as my arm has stared to ache.... Was meant to have taken them at 13:30 :eek:
Ok, not sure.... Pump working, valve block rebuilt. But I tried sucking & blowing into the blue pipe the pump attaches to and there's no resistance! Could that be a problem in the valve block out a burst pipe going to the air tank?? o_O

Edit: Checked the exhaust filter, no escaping air. There just seems to be nothing getting to the air tank!! Could I have damaged the valve (no6 right at the front of the valve block) when I accidentally removed the pipe (it has a violet coloured band round it) and introduced compressed air from my wee tyre inflator? I'm really at a loss now! Everything is working as it should, just no air getting to the tank!
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Found the leak (now I need a pint.... Of whiskey

I have actual tears of pain and a bit of joy at finding it. It's not where you'd think, oh no! It's in behind the left rear wheel and it looks almost melted as if by a candle :eek:

Can't get hold of my mate, big Ian, to ask if I could borrow his ramp tomorrow so I'm going to be in k'in bits crawling under, but by George I'll feckin do it if it's the last thing I do :mad:

Chuffed to bits though as it's an easy fix. Some new pipe and a connection or two :cool:

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