So I've been at work all week, couldn't be arsed to do anything after either :eek:
But had a few hours on it today.
First job was to make the front brake pipes as I ran out of unions when doing the front to rear one.
Stuck some oil in the diffs, transfer box and gearbox.
Pas fluid in, brake fluid in.
Trans tunnel and floor pans in.
Rear windows in.
And then the windscreen. Which didn't go to plan :rolleyes:
Got brother to help, and got it pretty much in, but then he said it wasn't going in properly.
So I had a look, he started bashing it trying to sort it out I assume. Told him not to, he bashed it again with his fist and well I'm sure you can guess the rest :mad:
So after being very ****ed of had a coffee and calmed down a bit and remembered I had another screen/frame off of the red shed.
Cut that out of the frame and that went in swimmingly.

And that was it. Tomorrows plan is to bleed the brakes and clutch so I can turn it around and fit the front end.
Basically I wanted to get it water tight (if theirs such thing)
And the front end on so I don't have to have a tarp thrown over the engine.
The rest I can then do as and when.
Have you any idea what you would charge to do something like what you have done for your brother.

That's a hard one to answer. I suppose it'd depend on 'exactly' what was wanted and what condition it was in to start with.
Whether I was doing it from home as a as and when thing, or doing it properly as a business in a unit.
At a guess I'd say about £2000-2500 in labour.
Like I say it's a hard one and maybe that's miles out.
£2000 is worked out at 6x40 hour weeks at £8 ish and hour.
To be fair, doing it somewhere day in day out with loads of room it probably wouldn't even take that long. I dare say 3-4 weeks. I.e cheaper.
I've pretty much sold my landy! :( drove it for the first time in ages today though and it quickly reminded me why though, needs plenty of tlc! Tempted to save for a td5 :p
Dude, £8phr!!! garages here in Shetland are approx £40/£50phr because they dont want to work on something with nutz n boltz that wont just spin off with ease and some of them won't be as good workmanship as yours, keep up the good work
Little bit of progress today. By god that wind is cold, I needs a proper garage.

Couldn't be arsed moving stuff so I could turn it around, so took stuff through the house instead :eek:

So stuck the wings on, went on nice and easy, although I've run out of new bolts for some of the fixings. So I'll have to nip and get some in the week.


Fitted grill surround and bonnet, which got me to where I wanted to be.
Fitted bonnet with new hinge bushes, but the gap wasn't big enough in them :doh: so had to file them out a bit.


I've still a monumental amount to do, but I'd say progress is going to slow down considerably now, as I've been told theirs about 6 weeks work for me, if I want it.
Think weekends are on too, so thinking I'll take them and the money while I can.
As it'll probably be a very long time before I get another job.
I'll start saving.

:lol: Too cheap then :eek:

I've pretty much sold my landy! :( drove it for the first time in ages today though and it quickly reminded me why though, needs plenty of tlc! Tempted to save for a td5 :p

Pretty much sold it :eek: Noooo. What does it need? As I've said before, most parts aren't expensive.

Dude, £8phr!!! garages here in Shetland are approx £40/£50phr because they dont want to work on something with nutz n boltz that wont just spin off with ease and some of them won't be as good workmanship as yours, keep up the good work

It's not or wouldn't be about making money for me. If I'm happy and can earn a bit of a living doing so then that's fine by me.

I'm used to being on £6.75 an hour anyway, so it's an improvement.

Maybe I should move to Shetland :eek: I guess my problem is I don't value myself high enough. And I don't like taking unnecessary amounts of money from people.

Oh and cheers bud :)
I just got fed up of fixing one problem just to be met with another one a few days later. The drive wasn't brilliant, steering and brakes barely there... I guess I shouldn't have bought a landrover! :D

I'd LOVE a 110 crewcab... Out of my price range though...

Keep up the good work and give yourself the credit you deserve! I was working for a firm getting paid £70 a day to run small teams/jobs, climb most days and drive the van with chipper everyday... Left there after having enough and found plenty of work getting £120 a day with less responsibilities!

There are good people out there and sometimes you just need to take a chance :)
I just got fed up of fixing one problem just to be met with another one a few days later. The drive wasn't brilliant, steering and brakes barely there... I guess I shouldn't have bought a landrover! :D

Ah, I completely understand, but that's why I love doing it like this.
That way you've done most if not all of the bits needed.
Otherwise you end up taking new bits off you've just fitted to fit something else the week after. Because if theirs one thing I hate, it's doing things twice :eek:

I'd LOVE a 110 crewcab... Out of my price range though...

Yeah, I likes 110 crewcabs too.

Keep up the good work and give yourself the credit you deserve! I was working for a firm getting paid £70 a day to run small teams/jobs, climb most days and drive the van with chipper everyday... Left there after having enough and found plenty of work getting £120 a day with less responsibilities!

I was in the same position with responsibilities in my last job, which I was laid off from yesterday. About f*cking time.
As I say was paid £6.75 an hour, I'm unskilled labour, but had been their 3 years so kinda knew a little.

The last big job we did was a police station. I was given the task of running the custody suite.
We did fire/security/cctv/pa/access control. affray strips, blah, blah, blah, so as you can imagine it was a pretty big job.
I was then given someone to work with me, they had never pulled a cable or fitted anything in their life. And was told to 'teach him the job'

So unskilled, minimum wage (ish) worker has to teach someone else the job, while sorting all the other crap out, that I'd never had to do before.
Yeah, f*cking nice one!

There are good people out there and sometimes you just need to take a chance :)

Their is, but it's trying to find someone who will give you a chance that's the problem.

Looking good!!!

Shame about the colour tho i think i preferred a darker colour... White takes too much cleaning lol
Spent a few hours out in the cold today and got a couple of little bits done.

First job, fit rear lights, number plate etc. just need some new screws for the reflectors.


Then fitted front light surrounds, grill and lights, oh and the front spats.


Then got all the interior matting stuff cleaned up so that can go in at the weekend.
If i were your brother and i came round to see that you had put a hammer and screwdriver on the landy that i had done feck all to help rebuild, i would kick your arse up and down the street.;););)
Looking good, even in white.:clap2:
If i were your brother and i came round to see that you had put a hammer and screwdriver on the landy that i had done feck all to help rebuild, i would kick your arse up and down the street.;););)
Looking good, even in white.:clap2:
Cheers :) The white has grown on me a lot.
And f*ck him :lol:

Thought he helped him lift something once?

Yes, and it probably was just the once.
Very annoying actually. But it's a bit late now.

Looks great Aaron. Defenders look awesome in white.

Cheers bud :) You wouldn't be biased though ay :p:D
But yeah, I quite like it now. The few bits of black should help break it up a bit.
Didn't you say it was still in your name? Just start using it as your daily n don't give it him back for a bit.

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